from ten to twelve pounds each; press with the fingers some deep
holes into them; pour cold water into·these holes; place the
loaves in a very hot baking-oven, and bake them brownish
black; leave them over night in the oven; break forty pounds to
mod erate-sized pieces; put them in a tub; pour fifty to sixty
quarts of boiling water over them; cover the pot with canton
flannel and a wooden lid very well, and let soak for two hours.
Pour the entire quantity into a cask, the bottom of which is
covered with cross-laid slats; which again are covered by straw
to prevent the falling through of the bread; through a side-faucet
decant the kvass, and fill it again into the cask; repeat this a
few times to clear it sufficiently; in a vessel already soured it
need stay for only twenty-four hours, but in a new cask it must
stand for a few days until it is sufficiently sour.
Besides this bread-kvass, this beverage may be made also from
fruits: so you may make apple-kvass by rowing apple-slices and
whole pears on strings, and drying them in the sun; in a cask of
about fifteen gallons you put twenty-four quarts of dried apples,
and as many dried pears, and fill the cask with boiled but cooled–
off water; let it stand for three days on a rather warm place; then
bring it into the cellar; cover the bung-hole with canvas, and let
the kvass ferment. After fermentation bung the cask; bottle
after four weeks; add to eac)i. bottle a handful of raisins; cork,
and seal, and let them lie a few months in a cellar; cover them
with a layer of sand.