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doing so he displays a certain grasp of

the acronyms of the 90s. If we are to

believe him, the PDA (Personal

Digital Assistant); the PAC (Personal

Activity Centre); and the GSM

(Global Systems Mobile) will

influence the manner in which work is

done by us all and will facilitate the

registration and protection of


One interesting development in the

years ahead may be the establishment

of the Diploma in Trademarks in Law

and Design as a pre-requisite

qualification to anybody embarking

on a career as a professional

trademark representative. This will

inevitably lead to the regularising and

formalising of training for these

professionals. Since this profession

draws substantially from an existing

legal pool it may well prove that

today's school leavers with a flair for

languages and a penchant for the law

will see themselves as budding

trademark agents forging a living in

the 21 st Century.

Justin McKenna


Compensation Fund Risk

Control - The French

CARPA Scheme

(Continued from page 268)

public. In addition, it has created

employment, a not insignificant

consideration in the current state of the

economy. If the Law Society was to

consider a similar scheme it would

undoubtedly receive assistance from

the principal officers of those involved

in CARPA associations both in Paris

and other cities and thus benefit from

the thirty years of experience of the

operation of the scheme in France.

The author thanks Bátonnier Jean-

Henri Farné and Maitre Jean-Pierre

Duffour for their invaluable help in

the preparation of this article.

* Colm Mannin, Senior Counsel,

Ainbus Industrie, Toulouse, France, is

a member of the Incorporated Law

Society of Ireland.


P r o f i l e o f t h e P r o f e s s i on

There is now one practising solicitor per 887 members of the population in

Ireland and over half of all solicitors practise on their own, according to the

latest data compiled by the Law Society.

Membership Statistics

Number of solicitors on the Roll as at 30 June 1994

Number of solicitors holding practising certificates

Number of newly-admitted solicitors (1 July 1993 - 30 June 1994)

(Growth as a percentage of solicitors on roll)





Size of Practices

The following is the most recent profile of practice units and practising

solicitors available (as at 10 March 1994):-

Practice units

1,795 units, of which

1,325 sole principals, of which


993 sole principals (no assistants)

332 sole principals (with assistant(s))



470 partnerships, of which


307 2 partners

163 2+ partners



Practising solicitors

3,877 practising solicitors, of which

1.325 sole principals

937 in partnership

1.326 assistants

289 employed solicitors

(financial institutions etc.)





No recruitment statistics are available in relation to solicitors on the Roll who

have not taken out practising certificates.

Ratio to Population/Labour Force

Practitioners per head of population

(1991 census-3,523,401)

Practitioners per members of labour force

(1992 figures - 1,350,000)

Practitioners per numbers employed

(1992 figures - 1,125,000)

1 : 887

1 : 340

1 : 283


The total number of barristers currently practising in Ireland is 892.