FLAC in 1 9 93
Pictured at the FLAC Annual Labour Law Seminar which was held on 30 October
were l-r: Eilish Barry, Barrister; Matt Merrigan, former General Secretary of the
ATGWU and Tony Kerr, Barrister and Lecturer in Law at University College
The Free Legal Centre (FLAC) has
had another busy year. We have
continued the campaign for a
comprehensive scheme of civil legal.
This year has seen some major
changes in the State's Scheme of
Civil Legal Aid and Advice and, as
a result, our work has been largely
focused on highlighting and
analysing the consequences of these.
Furthermore, our newsletter,
has continued to monitor the
waiting lists problems around the
In 1993, as before, the FLAC helpline
continued to provide an essential advice
and referral service. In this year alone
we dealt with over 5,000 calls. Many
more queries are handled by the
volunteers in our 16 evening clinics in
and around Dublin and Cork.
Representation in social welfare
appeals and Employment Appeals
Tribunal cases remain a large part of
our work and the latest figures show
that we acted in over 50 cases during
1993. High Court actions on behalf of
nearly 1,800 married women seeking
the recovery of arrears of social
welfare due under EU Law remain
pending as are other actions
concerning the provision of legal aid.
FLAC's work in the area of welfare
rights training has increased in the last
year, and we organised two twelve-
week courses for community groups
setting up advice services. We also
arranged follow-up and refresher
courses for a number of groups. These
courses are intended to provide a
broad knowledge of family law, and
to train for information and advice
Also, as part of the National Social
Service Board's nationwide training
programme, FLAC was invited to run
courses on the Social Welfare Appeals
system, civil legal aid and family law.
FLAC, together with the trade union,
Manufacturing Science and Finance,
has now established a labour law
seminar as an annual event. This year
it was on the practice and procedure
of the Employment Appeals Tribunal
and an examination of the new Unfair
Dismissals (Amendment) Act.
Our series of guides to welfare
payments was expanded with the
publication of "A Guide to
Unemployment Payments and
Employment Schemes". We also
brought out a second edition of the
very successful "A Guide to
Supplementary Welfare Allowance".
These guides have proved very
popular, especially for those involved
in the provision of advice, and we
intend to produce further titles next
The research work was also
maintained. We were commissioned
by the Combat Poverty Agency to
conduct a feasibility study into the
appeals service within the
Supplementary Welfare Allowance
Scheme nationwide. We are currently
seeking funding to publish these
FLAC has an essential role to play in
the provision of legal services for
those unable to afford paid services,
and, with the current changes in the
State scheme, our campaigning work
is vital. This work requires the
encouragement and help of the legal
profession and we thank you for your
ongoing support over the years.
Sabha Greene
Samuel McCleery
Attorney - at - Law and Solicitor of PO Box 127 in
Grand Turk.Turks and Caicos Islands, British West
Indies and at P. O. Box 7, Castletown, Isle of Man
will be pleased to accept instructions generally
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