MARCH 1994
f ?
I have difficulty. When you
referred to the court as a
"cracked and crumbling den of
mushrooms" were you
referring to the building or the
constitutional body which
constitutes the courts.
I n d e x t o V o l u me 8 7
1 9 9 3 G a z e t t e
Readers are requested to note that the
index to Volume 87 ( 1 9 9 3) of the
Gazette is enclosed with this issue.
The index, compiled by
provides a comprehensive
guide to all subjects covered in the
Gazette in the ten issues from January
to December, 1993. There is also a
case index of all cases reported in the
Recent Irish Cases Supplements and
cases examined and/or specially
mentioned in articles, editorials etc. A
legislation index is also provided.
Please file the index for future
Gazette Binders
Binders, which will store ten issues of
the Gazette, are available for sale
from the Law Society, priced £ 10
each including postage and packing.
Please contact
Linda Dolan
at the
Law Society if you would like to
order a binder.
D i s c r e et L i s t e n i ng a n d
R e c o r d i ng E q u i p m e nt
T e l e p h o ne For 1 9 94 C a t a l o g ue
P e g a s us ( 0 1 ) 2 8 4 3 8 19
4. These activities are listed under the
following economic sectoral
headings:- minerals; energy; metals;
mineral fibres and glass; chemicals;
intensive agriculture; food and drink
wood, paper, textiles and leather;
fossil fuels: cement; waste; surface
coatings; and other activities.
5. The form of and procedures
pertaining to IPC licensing are to be
elaborated in the near future by
statutory instrument. For the time
being, however, a broad outline of
the structure of the system is to be
found in section 87(2).
6. Section 84( l) lists 17 types of
condition ranging from specific
conditions on emissions and
substances, through monitoring and
testing requirements, to payment of
emissions charges.
7. For example, state of the
environment reports; annual drinking
water quality reports; reports on
public authority monitoring;
guidelines on environmental audits;
eco-label reports; codes of practice;
BATNEEC specifications.
8. Most notably air and water quality
management plans.
9. Including registers of IPC licences;
prescribed substances; quality-
controlled laboratories.
10. Access to Information on the
Environment Regulations 1993 (SI
No. 133/1993).
I I. Compare to the far lower maximum
penalties under section 12 of the
Air Pollution Act, 1987, and section
24 of the Local Government
(Water Pollution) (Amendment)
Act, 1990.
12. Section 104 came into operation on
10 August 1993; see EPA Act, 1992
(Commencement) Order, 1993 (SI
No. 235/1993).
13. As of writing, section 105 has not
been commenced.
14. i.e. local, sanitary and planning
15. Planning authorities will still be
responsible for managing the
pollution aspects of activities not
included in the First Schedule to
the Act.
16. On the assignment and transfer of
functions in general, see sections 53
and 54; on the extension of powers,
see sections 100 to 102.