TPi October 2012 - page 44

Tube Products International October 2012
j o i n t he be s t
w o r l d w i d e
Tube Düsseldorf:
Innovations go global
Take advantage of the highest calibre expertise of the
No. 1 international fair as the show goes global. Draw
on international synergies from these leading trade fairs.
A cycle of regional events, staged in succession around
the globe, responding to local market and customer
needs. Detailed information on the full programme can
be found at:
w w w . t u b e . d e
Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
Postfach 101006
40001 Düsseldorf
Tel. +49(0)211/4560-01
Fax +49(0)211/4560-668
Industry Partner
Ideeller Träger:
Moscow Dubai
Düsseldorf Houston
São Paulo
products & developments
Long life power
For over 60 years, e2v has been supplying customers with
power tubes that provide performance and long life.
The company’s products include a complete range of power
grid tubes specifically designed for demanding industrial
markets such as tube and pipe welding.
The company states that EEV branded oscillator tubes have
been chosen as original equipment by virtually all major
OEMs in the industry. Ranging in power output from 25
to 530kw, many of the EEV triodes and tetrodes that e2v
manufactures are direct equivalents for other manufacturers’
devices, or can be used to replace them with the company’s
heavily in state-of-
the-art manufacturing
equipment. All of its
devices are subjected
to extensive high
voltage conditioning
and full functional RF/
DC testing procedures.
committed to working
in partnership with its
customers, providing
them with exactly what
they need.
This includes a high level
of technical support,
and e2v’s experts are
on hand to help with the
selection and use of its
products. All tubes are
supported with a two-
year warranty.
For over 40 years Aimil
Ltd has partnered with
e2v and provided India
with the power tubes
and aftercare service. Aimil has been at the forefront of the
instrumentation industry in India, providing state-of-the-art
instruments and services since 1932.
The company provides instruments for civil engineering,
electronics, healthcare, and analytical and industrial
applications. Its products cover a wide range of industries,
including aerospace, automobile, cement, infrastructure,
telecommunication, pharmaceuticals, plastics, education
and research.
– UK
BW1185J2 industrial triode from e2v
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