S E P T E M B E R , 2 0 1 7
Courtesy CAI-NJ.
Vinnie Hager is the President of JGS Insurance located
in Holmdel, NJ. Vinnie has specialized in insuring
Common Interest Communities for 28 years. He is a
past President of CAI-NJ, and has spoken both locally
and nationally regarding the unique insurance issues
relative to Community Associations.
ecently, I had the privilege of being selected to join
the CAI-NJ Legislative Action Committee (LAC). Aside
from the Managers Committee (which I would be
happy to serve but am a little short on my credentialsJ), this
was the only committee within CAI-NJ on which I had not
previously served. It has been an eye opening experience
to serve on this committee. You should understand the
amount of work and effort that the volunteers of the LAC
put into serving common interest communities interests. The
legislative agenda is daunting each month, and they do it
willingly and on their own time. I am honored to be work-
ing with such a dedicated group of professionals.
I wanted to bring to your attention three bills that affect
Insurance and the common interest communities that you
need to be aware of going forward.
First is
This bill was introduced by Assemblyman
Daniel R. Benson out of District 14 (Mercer and Middlesex).
This bill prohibits condominium associations from assessing
insurance deductibles to individual unit owners or groups
of unit owners. This bill is problematic to community asso-
ciations and was opposed in its current form. The ability
of community associations to assess unit owners for large
By Vincent J. Hager, CIRMS,
JGS Insurance
© iStockphoto.com
deductibles is an essential tool that boards must be able to
utilize. There are many deductibles in an insurance policy.
It is not uncommon for an Association to have a $5,000
primary deductible, a $5,000
per unit
water and ice dam
deductible, $100,000 earthquake and flood deductible,
as well as many others. If an association were to have
a $5,000 per unit water deductible, and the unit on the
4th floor has a pipe break that causes damage to the 3
units below, the association would have $20,000 applied
toward the deductibles. If you remove the ability to assess
unit owners to collect the deductible, then second mortgage
lenders such as FANNIE MAE, will want to see reserves in
the current budget to fund all of those deductibles in order
to qualify for their mortgage lending.