S E P T E M B E R , 2 0 1 7
"These contributions are used
to support the campaigns of
elected officials that advocate
legislation that would benefit our
community associations."
s this issue of
Community Trends
is dedicated to
our legislative initiatives, I am sure that you will
agree with me that all the articles provide an
extensive overview of our current position and status on
dozens of pending legislative bills. So, considering that
there is already widespread coverage on our legislative
matters, I’d like to address the importance of our Political
Action Committee and how vital their “behind the scenes”
efforts are. Jim Rademacher, as President of CA-PAC, and
Jack McGrath, as Vice President, do a thankless job rais-
ing funds to support our elected officials who support our
interests when considering pending legislation that could
affect our common interest communities.
CA-PAC meets regularly to discuss how to raise funds
either by direct solicitation or by organizing events.
Members of CA-PAC regularly attend CAI events to make
a “pitch” for donations and inform the attendees of how
important their contributions are. These contributions are
used to support the campaigns of elected officials that
advocate legislation that would benefit our community
associations. There are also several instances where we
need to “get the ear” of a state senator or assemblyman to
inform them why we feel their bill is unfair to our residents
that reside in a homeowner association or a condominium.
There is a program in place for all our membership
categories. One program that is geared towards our
community associations is our “Dollar a Door” campaign.
Almost every bill that is introduced concerning New
Jersey’s common interest communities (HOAs and condos)
if passed, would have an impact on every person living in
a community. Therefore, CAI National created the “Dollar
a Door” campaign. Several communities have created a
line item in their annual budget for this yearly pledge. It’s
also very important for our Management Company and
Business Partner members to give a donation to CA-PAC.
These companies have a substantial financial interest in the
operations of our community members and dozens of these
pending bills, if passed, would impact how they run their
businesses. So please go to page 16 and see which of
our communities, management company, business partner
or individual members have contributed to our PAC this
year and contribute today and get your name “on the list.”
There is a form for you, your business or your community
to contribute on page 16. Also, if you are a board mem-
ber for your community, see if any of your professional or
service providers are listed and if not, encourage them, to
make a pledge. Individual managers are also encouraged
to support CA-PAC as they have a professional interest in
legislation that could severely impact the way our commu-
nities are managed. This is the only method we have to
“have our voice heard“ in Trenton and to make sure unfa-
vorable legislation is not voted into law.