Boston, MA
June 11
Rochester, MN
August 5
(at our annual conference!)
St. Louis, MO
October 9
San Antonio, TX November 6
Interested in
joining us at an
upcoming walk?
Register at
Marfan.org/walkWALK FOR VICTORY
is a nationwide walk program held in various cities across
the country to bring the Marfan syndrome and related disorders community
together. The walks are non-athletic, family-oriented events focused on fundraising
and fun. Walks in 2015-2016 raised more than $200,000 to support The Marfan
Foundation’s education and research programs, which reach more than 25,000
affected individuals, families, and physicians each year. In our 2016-2017 season, we
are looking to double the amount raised to support quality of life programs for our
families, kids, teens, and young adults who are living with Marfan and related disorders.
These walks provide a great opportunity for the community to come together to
raise critical funds for the Foundation.