creating between 10–20 million tonnes of CO
equivalent will have been
approved under the VCS Programme by the end of 2008.
The VCS was developed by the International Emissions Trading Association
(IETA), The Climate Group (TCG), the World Business Council for Sustain-
able Development (WBCSD) and the World Economic Forum (WEF).
Further reading:
A report was published in March 2008 by the WWF which explains main
criteria and compares carbon offset standards:
How to choose?
Customers in the non-legally binding voluntary market are able to purchase
both credits which originate from the compliance market and credits which
originate from the voluntary market. This means if you are not required
by law to buy offsets that are recognized by the Kyoto Protocol (from CDM
of JI projects) other legally binding systems such as the Chicago Climate
Exchange you have the free choice what to go for. Criteria you may want to
consider are reliability, additional benefits such as sustainability and envi-
ronmental benefits, price and compatibility of the project with your own
interests. For example a shipping company might find it more attractive
to invest in a marine project than in a tree planting project, or maybe you
would prefer to invest in a portfolio rather than in a single project. Together
with the standards described above and others, offset providers and brokers
should be able to give the relevant information you need.
A widely cited report on carbon offset providers prepared by the Tufts Cli-
mate Initiative is available at
. Other websites that compare offset companies
are for example The Carbon Catalogue, ;or EcoBusinessLinks,
The table on pages 176–177 summarizes the findings from the Tufts Cli-
mate Initiative report and also includes recommendations on carbon offset
providers by the initiative.