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The key to success for an effective emissions reduction programme is to

have a well-organized, performing structure and a clear process in place.

The first step is to


to go climate-neutral: that obviously comes first.

Then we need to


the GHG emissions for which we are directly respon-

sible and


where are those emissions coming from? Then comes the

need to find out what we must do to lower or stop them, what options we

have, and to


on that knowledge. The last steps are to


what we

have done, identify flaws and then

start all over again

, hopefully taking into

account the lessons learnt in the first round.

Get a firm commitment

Before any of this is going to happen, of course, someone has to take a clear

decision to work to become climate neutral. It will certainly be an individu-

al’s decision, but for more complex set-ups, it will be wider than that. For it

to get very far, it will need

positive political leadership

at the highest level

and wide popular agreement that the effort is worth making. The Intergov-

ernmental Panel on Climate Change, the UN Framework Convention on

Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol under the convention represent

global leaders’ commitment to confront the problem. The degree to which

they succeed will show the depth of that commitment. The British environ-

Norway is one of five countries to have publicly declared their intention to work

towards climate neutrality (the others are Costa Rica, Iceland, Monaco and New

Zealand). Norway aims to reach its goal by 2030. The decision was taken by the

government under the leadership of the Prime Minister – but, crucially, it enlist-

ed the agreement of the opposition parties as well. The Finance Minister, Kristin

Halvorsen, said: “The purpose of the government parties’ invitation to the op-

position was to create a broad-based, long-term majority platform on which a

proactive Norwegian climate policy could be based.” A lot of money is going into

efforts to promote renewable energy, strengthen public transport and implement

measures aimed at reducing emissions from transport.

The UN is not simply telling other people how to reduce their greenhouse gas

emissions, it aims to do so itself. The Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, says the

organization is moving toward making its New York headquarters climate neutral

and environmentally sustainable. The initiative should ultimately include the other

UN headquarters and offices around the globe. To help make sure the “greening”

effort extends across the entire UN system, the Secretary-General has asked the

heads of all UN agencies, funds and programmes to join the effort through an

initiative supported by the Environment Management Group (EMG).