NEWSLETTER. April 2014 - page 13

April 2014
As challenging as people may think it is to lead a
healthy lifestyle every day, you would be surprised
at just how easy it is. So many people think that
staying healthy involves a lot of work, but staying fit
is actually easier than being lazy and unhealthy. You
will be surprised by how easy it can be!
It is important to note that living a healthy lifestyle
is not just about eating the right foods and
exercising. If you want to be truly fit, you need to
take everything you do into consideration. This
includes easing stress: making smart choices; and
also listing to your body.
Everywhere we look, we’re being bombarded by
messaging, ordering us to get healthier: Shape up!
Eat better! Exercise more! Lose weight! And after of
those commercials, most of us are confused about
what we really need to in order to adopt that
healthy lifestyle.
A nutritious, balanced diet is your first step. Lots of
scientists and doctors spent a lot of time and effort
putting together the food pyramid. Follow it. Getting
a good balance of vitamins and nutrients is what
your body needs to be healthy and fight off disease.
Make sure you learn which foods are best for
absorption of those vitamins and minerals and then
choose your diet full of them!
Drinks lots of water. The
recommended amount for
the best possible hydration
is to drink eight glasses of
water that are eight ounces
or more daily. Proper
hydration is important for
so much more than just
hydration also helps you fight off disease. Water is
required for many body functions. The human body,
to a large degree, is made of water. Because the are
no calories in water, replacing tea, soda, juices, and
even alcohol with water will reduce your total
calorie count for the day. When you drink the right
amount of cold water daily you can lose as much as
five pounds over the course of water a year whether
you cut out the others drinks or not.
It is no secret that you need regular exercise. But
don’t think that you need to
work ‘til exhaustion for the
workout to be beneficial. If
you hope for stronger
muscles, you need to rest
them after a hard workout.
Your muscles don’t grow
while you are working them
and tearing them down
during exercise, but only
through rest. Find exercise,
activities and hobbies you
enjoy doing. The time you
spend simply being happy
exercising, give your whole body a workout. Your
entire body – internally and externally-requires
good workouts to keep you healthy. There are
multiple steps to a good workout, including
strength, endurance and cardiovascular training. It
seems like a lot but there are ways that you can
work all of that into a single 30 minutes workout
just three times w week. Exercise because you want
to stay healthy.
Next is sleep! With our busy lifestyles and family
lives, we are not getting the rest we need do
desperately. Your sleep time is important time for
the body to fix the damage that was done the
previous day. The time you spend sleeping is the
time the body has to recharge its batteries. For
better healthy, eight hours of sleep per night is
needed for the average adult.
There are lots of ways to
stay healthy and fit. Eating
a balanced diet, working
out regularly and smartly.
There is more to it than
eating a bunch of healthy
food and going on daily
means attending to your
physically and mentally
for the rest of you life!
Fitness & Spa
Living a Healthy Lifestyle
by Tiffany De Souza, Director of Fitness & Spa
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