12. Royal Fizz.
As Gin Fizz. Add whole egg.
13. Apricot Cooler.
1 liqueur glass of Apricot Brandy,2 dashes
of Grenadine, juice of i lemon.
Shake and strain into long tumbler and fill
with soda water.
14. Harvard Cooler.
1 glass of Calvados, juice of i lemon, i-
tablespoonful sugar.
Shake and strain into long tumbler and fill
with soda water.
15. Lone Tree Cooler.
S Gin, i French Vermouth, juice of 1
orange, juice of i lemon, dash of Grenadine.
Shake and strain. Use tumbler and fill with
soda water.
16. Mint Cooler.
1 glass of Scotch Whisky, 3 dashes of
Creme de Menthe.
Use tumbler, 1 lump of ice, and fill with
soda water.
17. Sea Breeze Cooler.
i Gin,i Apricot Brandy,2dashes of Grena
dine, juice of 4 lemon, 1 lump of ice.
Use tumbler and fill tvith soda water.
Decorate with 2 sprigs of mint.