"October Short Story"
By Eve Pouliot
There on her bed a girl sits. She is curled up in the tiniest
ball she can manage. As she sits she plans all sorts of things.
Just as she starts to decide on which plan, she hears a knock
on the door. The girl, her name being Kaiti, calls out in a
voice best described as pained.
Is what she calls out. Another girl opens the door
and enters this room. The first thing Kaiti notices about the
girl who enters is her fantastic smile. The kind that is
genuine and kind. This second girl is named Persephone.
She visits Kaiti sometimes. Persephone is known for having
great timing with her visits. Persephone enters with her
fantastic smile and sits in front of Kaiti. Kaiti is obviously a
little embarrassed. She was after all just crying and planning
things that would make Persephone very sad. Yet there is
Persephone, just smiling. Kaiti sniffles and wipes away the
last of her tears.
H-hey Persephone. What
s up?
Oh nothing much, I just wanted to see you.
replies. Persephone tilts her head to see Kaiti
s face since
Kaiti turned away from her. Kaiti sort of glances down at
Persephone. She almost starts staring at Persephone; after
all, Persephone is a very pretty girl. But she remembers that
she just got done crying so she looks away again.
Oh, that
s cool. I
ve been meaning to text you or something; I
just haven
t really had the time.
Kaiti says. This of course is a
big lie. First of all, Kaiti never does anything but research
online about a certain foster home that she used to live in.
Second of all, Kaiti never thinks about contacting anyone.
s just too sad. She doesn
t want to bum anyone else out.
But the thing about Persephone is, she doesn
t mind when
people are sad. She just wants to help them feel better. Kaiti
does not quite understand this but she might get it eventually.
Well, lucky I came by tonight. How are you feeling?
Persephone asks, she doesn
t mind that her eyes are filled with
concern for Kaiti. Kaiti looks at Persephone again and sees this
concern. This just makes Kaiti feel guilty for planning things.
Well, you know
Just the usual.
Kaiti is trying to avoid
telling Persephone how she really feels so Persephone will stop
looking at her that way. Persephone is very perceptive so she
knows this too. So she just smiles more.