ike so many other areas of our lives, the world of beauty is
turning more and more to natural ingredients when creating
new products. Much better for our bodies and better for the
environment, these products are definitely worth trying.
One particular area where this is prolific is fragrances, with
many new fragrances created solely from natural oils. An important
advantage of these fragrances is, unlike others that are made mostly
from water and alcohol, they do not evaporate. This is particularly
useful in hot weather, as the fragrance actually gets stronger rather
than weaker as the day heats up.The inclusion of natural ingredients
also gives the fragrance a longer shelf life, as it will not evaporate over
I set out to try some new fragrances and my first stop was Arabian
Oud, which opened its first UK-based flagship store in 2002 on
Oxford Street. The company takes its name from the Arabic
word Oud,which refers to the incense derived fromAgarwood
otherwise known as Aloes wood in English), and also the
main ingredient of each fragrance. A wood indigenous
to far eastern countries like India, Malaysia, Burma and
Cambodia, Oud has become more and more popular with
perfume companies in recent years, with Dior and Tom
Ford using it in their new fragrances.When mildly heated,
Oud produces oil that can be used on clothes, hair, and
in fragrances. A most valued commodity, some varieties
are priced up to £22 a gram, making Oud more expensive
than gold!
One of the finest oils at Arabian Oud, the Princess
Hamida Blend was first created for the Princess of Brunei’s
wedding and is now a bestseller. With the rare and exquisite
blend of Taif Rose and Frankincense, and heart notes of
Mandarin and Ylang-Ylang, this delicate feminine perfume
exerts body, depth and meaning. Unlike most regular perfumes,
which can be very strong and overpowering when you first put
them on, and then fade away after a few hours, this lasted all day.
Another bestseller, Arabian Legend for Women includes natural,
floral ingredients with a scent evocative of a hot evening on holiday.
The top scents of Mandarin and Lotus Flower give a slightly sweet
edge that makes the fragrance feel fun as well as serious and sexy.