David Koma
Last season
Antoni and Alison
us up with some industrial style music, a bit
harsh on the ears for nine in the morning,
but this season a brass band was the music
for the designers’ 25
anniversary show. In a
spoken piece from the designers before the
show began, we were told that the designers
locked themselves away for four days and
painted.The designs that they came up with,
became the grounding for this collection.
Billowing silk dresses (the Antoni and Alison
staple) came flowing down the runway
with intricate designs upon them. Whether
they were mid-length or floor length the
two designers seemed to cover the whole
spectrum. We saw delicate floral patterning,
bejewelled printing and a soft feather dye
print on dresses and the introduction of
a jacket was also brought in this season.
Overall an enjoyable collection from the two
designers and a perfect way to kick start
Antoni and Alison
If you long for tennis in the summer, then
David Koma
has the uniform for
you as he cited the female tennis player as his inspiration this season. Koma
re-worked the typical tennis dress into something more graphic, bold and
completely overstated.The dresses focused on the shape of the body and only
oozed sexiness; there was a main focus on texture and colour-wise we saw
tennis green and oranges. Netted dresses were also available, which referenced
tennis nets and the upside down T on many of the dresses gave the collection a
uniquely sporty feel to it.
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