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Prepared Punch and Punch Essences

AGLASS of punch,with all the et ceteras, is an excellent

thing; the main difficulty about it is that, outside of a well-

appointed barroom,the necessary ingredients are not usually

found ready to hand at the moment when they are indispen

sable; and, even under the most favorable circumstances, it

is not everyone that knows the precise proportions and happy

blending of flavors that constitute a perfect glass of punch.

The enlightenment of the present day is full of short

cuts to comfort, and all the impediments in the way of

enjoying a social glass of punch, compounded according to

the latest discoveries of the art, are obviated by having a

bottle of the desired nectar in a concentrated essence form,

ready brewed in exact proportions, and nothing needed but

a moderate supply of hot or cold water, or ice, to adjust it

to the correct strength and temperature, and a glass to re

ceive the welcome libation.

The following recipes for concocting the latest and most

improved varieties of punch are intended for bottling for

ready use.




Five gallons of claret wine. Three gallons of plain syrup.

Two and one-half gallons of One pint of tincture of lemon

