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The Lord smiled benevolently upon the city of New

Haven,Connecticut,on a stormy winter's night in 1825, and

His official tot-bearer, the stork, rode the gale from Heaven

and deposited a little stranger within the humble cottage

home of Mr,and Mrs. William Daniel Thomas, respectable

though pious people,who were ever ready to drop a coin into

the collection plate or provide a fried chicken for the pastor.

Like the Magi of eld, they gazed upon the infant in bewil

dered but worshipping awe,and listened raptly to the wails

which racked his puny frame. They named him Jeremiah.

"We'll make him a preacher," said Mr. Thomas."Or a

Professor,"he added,thinking of Yale College and the digni

fied savants of the faculty.

"A preacher," Mrs. Thomas decided, and murmured ec

statically. "The Reverend Jeremiah Thomas! Oh, Will,

maybe a D.D.!"

"Of course," agreed Mr.Thomas."By all means a D.D."

But, alas for the fond hopes of doting parents! A power

transcending that of man had decreed the fate of the inno

cent babe,and no such dreadful destiny had been plotted for

him upon the heavenly charts. He did not become the Rev

erend Jeremiah Thomas,for it was not written that he should

receive and interpret, and when necessary amend, the com

mands and wishes of the Almighty. Nor did he become a