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Morningstar FundInvestor



uses the fund’s very broad mandate. He’s the third

manager in


months, so let’s take our time seeing

what territory he marks out. When this fund was

launched in


, the excitement was huge as inves-

tors streamed in. They hoped the fund would be a

winner whether rates rose or dropped, but instead it

had pedestrian returns and stumbled a few times.

We’ll see how it behaves under its new management.

Thornburg International Value TGVAX

Negative $13.1 Billion


Poor returns have spurred big redemptions,

though the trailing


-month return is strong.



billion in outflows represents more than

half the fund’s asset base a year ago, and that’s

a problem for an equity fund. The fund was a poor

performer from



. It will need to sustain

the recent rally to staunch the outflows. Once they

do stop, this


-rated fund could be a

decent bet. A bias toward emerging markets and

energy stocks has hurt, but the market can rotate

back at any time.

Fidelity Contrafund FCNTX

Negative $10.2 Billion


Some of the outflows are due to some retire-

ment plans’ conversion to


s. The rest is hard

to explain given that performance has remained solid

if unexceptional. I would certainly stick with Will

Danoff as long as he’s at Fidelity Contrafund. His

record is remarkable. To be sure, the fund’s massive

asset base is a handicap, but he’s had great success

with a big fund for many years. We rate it


PIMCO Low Duration PLDDX

Negative $10 Billion


Bill Gross was formerly the manager at this

fund. It, too, had a couple of years of weak perform-

ance that no doubt spurred the redemptions. Now,

Scott Mather and Jerome Schneider are at the

helm. Schneider heads


’s short-term desk and

so was a logical addition. We rate the fund


because of the talented pair heading it and because



’s depth in this area. It’s worth holding on,

though I’d caution against using it as a money market

substitute given that it dips into lower-quality debt.

American Funds Growth Fund of America AGTHX

Negative $7.9 Billion


Although the trailing three-year returns are

strong, the fund endured a five-year stretch

of pedestrian returns from




. This

is one case where redemptions are a plus. The

fund needed to go on a diet, and it has. Now, this


-rated fund looks more appealing. It still

has good management and low costs going for it.

I’d stick with it.

PIMCO All Asset All Authority PAUDX

Negative $7.0 Billion


Lousy recent performance has spurred an

exodus. Rob Arnott thinks emerging markets have far

more appeal than the United States, but the former

have lagged far behind the latter in




before outperforming thus far in


. Thus, the

fund’s once-strong record has taken a hit particularly

in recent years. However, a little market rotation

can fix that. We rate the fund

, so of course

I’d stay with it.

Columbia Acorn ACRNX

Negative $6.7 Billion


Performance has slumped badly. We rate

this fund


not just because of the slump but

also because outflows are a much bigger problem

for a fund that holds a lot of small caps, as this one

does. Small caps don’t have as much liquidity

as larger names, so it can get ugly when a manager

is forced to sell. They can end up driving down

prices on themselves, and that can spur more redemp-

tions. So, when a small/mid-cap fund like this

has such huge outflows, there’s a real danger that

it will hurt returns. On May


, Columbia Acorn

announced lead manager Rob Mohn plans to

retire later this year. That’s another reason to

stay away.