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Matthews Pacific Tiger Reopens

Matthews Pacific Tiger


reopened to new

investors in August. The fund, with a Morningstar

Analyst Rating of Gold, had experienced outflows of


million in July though it had net inflows of


million for the year to date.

Strange Pricing for ETFs

Ben Johnson, director of global


research for

Morningstar, shared his take on the wild behavior of

some exchange-traded funds on Monday Aug.



“What we saw during the first hour or so of trading on

Monday was near-total chaos, and that was expressed

and manifest in the disconnect we saw between the

prices of certain


s and their underlying net asset

value. So, there was some disconnect between


prices and the actual underlying value of the securities

they own.

“There are two notable cases. The

Guggenheim Equal

Weight S&P 500 ETF



PowerShares S&P

500 Low Volatility ETF


traded at extreme dislo-

cation with declines in excess of


or more during

that first hour of trading.

“Later, they came back into line. They traded at or near

their net asset values for the remainder of the trading

day, but this had sort of many investors scratching

their heads and wondering, ’What am I to do?’ and

certainly, the best answer was to do absolutely

nothing, to sit tight and to ride out the volatility. But

again as we saw in the case of the flash crash, there

were certain orders that were filled at these prices,

and there were investors that may ultimately experi-

ence some real losses as a result of having sold during

this very chaotic first hour of trading.

“The root cause of these disconnects of these trading

anomalies is still somewhat uncertain. I think

that uncertainty—actually that we saw during the

first hour of trading—that chaos, that panic—was

Fund Manager Changes

Fund News

Buffalo Small Cap BUFSX

Impact: Negative

Date: 07-20-15

Kent Gasaway stepped down for health reasons. Comanagers Bob Male and Jamie Cuellar remain at the fund.


Our Take: Gasaway has been a leader at Buffalo, so his departure stings. In addition, it comes as the fund is

mired in a slump and nearly half the fund’s assets have gone out the door this year. The combination of these

three factors leads us to lower the fund’s rating to


from Bronze.

Columbia Acorn ACRNX

Impact: Negative Date: 05-01-15

Columbia Acorn USA AUSAX

Lead manager Rob Mohn plans to retire in the fourth quarter of 2015. In addition to comanager David Frank,

Zach Egan and Fritz Kaegi were named comanagers of the fund to prepare for Mohn’s departure. No

managers were added to Columbia Acorn USA, where William Doyle serves as Mohn’s comanager. In addition,

Acorn is moving to a more traditional portfolio manager/analyst division of labor in which analysts will no longer

add stocks and choose their portfolio weighting.


Our Take: Poor performance has spurred wrenching changes

at the funds. We have put both funds


. We lowered Columbia Acorn’s Morningstar Analyst

Rating to Neutral in 2014 because of concerns about redemptions and poor performance. Columbia Acorn USA

had been rated Bronze.

Matthews China MCHFX and Matthews Pacific Tiger MAPTX

Impact: Negative Date: 07-01-15

Richard Gao has stepped down from his roles as the lead manager on Matthews China and as a comanager on

Matthews Pacific Tiger. Comanager Andrew Mattock will take over on Matthews China, and Sharat Shroff will

remain lead manager on Matthews Pacific Tiger.


Our Take: We have placed both funds


. It looks

like a much bigger blow to Matthews China. Mattock is a seasoned investor, but he only joined Matthews this

year. Shroff is an established and proven skipper at Matthews Pacific Tiger, and he, like Mattock, has an

exceptional support team.

T. Rowe Price Growth & Income PRGIX

Impact: Neutral

Date: 06-01-15

Jeff Rottinghaus took over for Thomas Huber. Huber remains at T. Rowe Price Dividend Growth PRDGX.


Our Take: Huber has done a fine job here and at T. Rowe Price Dividend Growth, but Rottinghaus has a solid

five-year record at T. Rowe Price U.S. Large-Cap Core TRULX. There, he has produced five-year returns of

17.3% annualized versus 17.04% for the S&P 500 and 16.45% for the large-blend category. However, that fund

has only $116 million in assets, so Rottinghaus now has more on his plate with this $1.5 billion fund.

Vanguard Convertible Securities VCVSX

Impact: Negative Date: 06-01-15

Veteran manager Larry Keele stepped down and was replaced by Stuart Spangler.


Our Take: Oaktree is

an excellent firm, so we remain confident in the fund, but it’s still a blow to lose Keele, who has built a great

record here. We lowered our rating to



Weitz Value WVALX

Impact: Negative Date: 12-31-15

Wally Weitz is stepping down from management responsibilities here. However, he will remain manager at Weitz

Partners Value WPVLX and Weitz Hickory WEHIX. Comanagers Brad Hinton and Dave Perkins will take over his



Our Take: Weitz’s departure from the fund is a loss, but he’s been working on the transition for

years, and we feel good about Hinton and Perkins. We are maintaining our rating of

on the fund.

Westwood SMidCap WHGMX

Impact: Negative

Date: 08-10-15

Susan Schmidt was named manager, replacing Ragen Stienke whose "employment has been terminated,"

according to Westwood. Schmidt has 20 years' industry experience, including six years running the Mesirow

Financial SMid Cap Value strategy. Schmidt joins comanagers Grant Taber, Thomas Lieu, and Prashant

Inamdar at the fund. The 3-star fund had been a mediocre performer for the past five years, though it enjoyed

a strong run of relative performance from 2006–08.


Our Take: Schmidt is experienced, though we don’t have

a mutual fund track record. The change seems a minor negative given Stienke’s middling record.