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As each calendar year winds down, investors are

often exhorted to get on the stick: to review their port-

folios, rebalance, and scout around for tax-loss

candidates. That’s because Dec.


is the deadline for

most tweaks that can affect your tax bill for that

year. Yet, some of these tasks can be at odds with one

another—specifically, what makes sense from a

portfolio standpoint may not make sense from a tax

standpoint, and vice versa. For example, the practice

of rebalancing involves selling winners, while a tax-

savvy investor should be doing just the opposite:

hunting around for slumping positions to sell in order

to generate tax losses. Indeed, a policy of benign

neglect—that is, doing nothing to your portfolio at

all—beats making portfolio adjustments that trigger

unintended consequences.



winds down, here are some year-end

portfolio mistakes.


Rushing Into a Full-Blown Portfolio Overhaul if You

Don’t Have Time

Yes, year-end is a good time for a portfolio review, in

large part because Dec.


is your deadline for

most changes that can have an impact on your tax bill,

like tax-loss selling. But the fourth quarter is a busy

time all around, with major holidays and work dead-

lines cutting into time for portfolio planning. If you

find yourself time-crunched as the year winds down,

don’t try to cram in a full-blown portfolio review.

Instead, think surgically about tasks that will deliver

the biggest payoff—and lower your


tax bill—if

executed before year-end.

For example, make sure you’re contributing the

maximum to your


(k) or other company retirement

plan, as the limits apply to each calendar year;

making traditional rather than Roth contributions

brings down taxable income. If you’re on the hook

for required minimum distributions and need to sell

something to shake some money loose from your port-

folio, start with those holdings that have appreciated

the most over the past three or five years. See the

sidebar for a link to an article that provides additional

tips for


-subject investors. If you hold taxable

accounts, it’s a good bet many of your holdings are

selling above your cost basis. To find the most fruitful

targets for tax-loss sales, concentrate on individual

stocks, as well as emerging-markets, natural-resources,

commodities, and precious-metals funds. If you’ve

realized losses elsewhere in your taxable portfolio—or

some of your funds are making big distributions—you

can use those losses to offset gains or up to





ordinary income.


Automatically Kicking Laggards to the Curb

Yet, as beneficial as tax-loss selling can be, it’s a

mistake to put on the chopping block everything

that’s selling below your purchase price. Reversion

to the mean happens, and last year’s portfolio under-

achiever is often the next year’s saving grace. For

example, the soaring equity market that has prevailed

for most of the past six-plus years has led to lackluster

relative returns for otherwise-worthy high-quality

funds, and some individual stocks, too. But such hold-

ings could earn their keep in a weak market, providing

valuable ballast for the more aggressive holdings

that have soared in your portfolio. See sidebar for a

link to a screen for stocks that could fit the bill and

an article that dives for worthy high-quality funds. While

categories like Treasury Inflation-Protected Secu-

rities have disappointed in recent years, you might be

glad you have them in case of an inflationary shock.

That means that you’ll need to balance your quest for

tax-loss sale candidates with portfolio and individual-

security considerations. If you want to unlock tax-loss

sales by selling something that’s depreciated, you

can’t immediately replace it with the exact same secu-

rity unless you’re willing to wait more than



But you can maintain similar economic exposure by

replacing your laggard with something like-minded—

swapping an individual master limited partnership for

another one with better prospects, for example,

or selling an individual energy stock and buying an

exchange-traded fund with a heavy position in that

same company.

5 Year-End Portfolio Mistakes to Avoid

Portfolio Matters


Christine Benz