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Morningstar FundInvestor

February 2


ultra-low-cost index products, that’s less of a selling

point for


(k)s than it once was.

Do: Take the Best and Leave the Rest

Holding assets in multiple silos—




s, and

taxable accounts—is all but inevitable for most

investors, compounding the potential for portfolio

sprawl. And you can multiply that problem by



you’re part of a married couple, with each partner

holding several distinct accounts. Many investors

manage each of these subportfolios as well-diversi-

fied portfolios unto themselves, necessitating expo-

sure to U.S. and foreign stocks as well as bonds.

However, you can reduce the number of holdings in

your portfolio and ensure that each is best of breed

by thinking of all of your retirement accounts as a

unified whole. That’s because it’s the total portfolio’s

asset allocation that matters, not the allocations of

the constituent portfolios. For example, if your



plan has terrific equity index funds but lacks solid

bond options, you can load up on equities in the


(k) and compensate by holding more bonds in your


. users can use the Combine

tool—in the dropdown menu under Create in Portfolio

Manager—to view the total asset allocation of their

portfolios, even if they have stored their

subportfolios separately.

Don’t: Take Consolidation Too Far

Even as accumulators can get away with the type of

streamlining I just discussed, intra-account diver-

sification becomes more valuable if retirement is

close at hand. Because you want to retain the

flexibility to pull assets from any of your accounts

during retirement—Roth, traditional, or taxable—you

may have good reason to hold both more- and less-

liquid asset types within each of your accounts. That

way, you can be flexible about where you go for

withdrawals in a given year during retirement. In a

high-tax year, for example, you might like to take

a tax-free withdrawal from your Roth


rather than

paying ordinary income tax on a withdrawal from



(k). To account for potential withdrawals from

the Roth, it may not make sense for that account

to be


equity; you may also want to hold some

safer securities, such as bonds and cash, too.

Do: Use Morningstar Analyst Ratings as a

First Cut

If you have multiple holdings fulfilling the same role

within your portfolio and are contemplating some

cuts, it’s valuable to conduct a head-to-head compari-

son. One of the quickest ways to do so is to consult

Morningstar: Check a stock’s Morningstar Rating

and a fund’s Morningstar Analyst Rating. These ratings

are designed to provide a forward-looking assess-

ment of a security’s prospects. Of course, you may have

good reason to hang on to securities that don’t rate

well: For example, you may have a very low cost basis

in that


-star stock you’re holding in your taxable

account, or your Neutral-rated small-cap fund may be

the sole small-cap option in your


(k). But the

ratings provide a sensible starting point in the process.

Don’t: Focus Exclusively on Trailing Returns

If you find duplicative holdings and are conducting

your own “cage match” of two securities that play

in a similar space, be careful not to focus too much on

trailing returns. Despite recent volatility, the market

has rewarded risk-taking since it began to recover in



. By focusing disproportionately on invest-

ments with happy-looking trailing returns—especially

over the past three- and five-year periods—investors

may inadvertently tilt their portfolios toward higer-

risk, higher-volatility investments.

To help avoid that trap, make sure your due diligence

encompasses an assessment of each investment’s

risk profile. Eyeballing returns in the year


is a

good first step; you can also take a look at Morning-

star’s upside/downside capture ratios for funds to see

what kind of animal you’re dealing with. Morning-

star’s Analyst Reports also aim to address the poten-

tial risks that accompany each investment. And

if you’re looking for a data point with the greatest

predictive power for mutual fund performance, a

fund’s expense ratio is the best way to stack the deck

in your favor. You can’t go too far wrong by concen-

trating your holdings in the lowest-cost investments

in your choice set.


Contact Christine Benz at