Annual Business Meeting Minutes
2018 Report of the Secretary
The Secretary’s Report consists of the Minutes of the IASA Annual
Business Meeting held on Wednesday, September 26, 2018.
Call to Order and Declare a Quorum is Present—President
Sheila Harrison-Williams
IASA President Dr. Sheila Harrison-Williams called the
meeting to order at 4:25 p.m. A quorum of members was
Acknowledgment of Dr. Jason D. Henry as Parliamentarian
President Harrison-Williams appointed Dr. Jason D. Henry,
Superintendent of Sesser-Valier Comm #196, to serve as
Parliamentarian of the Annual Meeting.
Approval of the September 29, 2017 Annual Meeting
There being no questions or changes, a motion was made
by Mr. Stephen Murphy, seconded by Mr. Mark R. Cross, to
approve the September 29, 2017, Annual Meeting Minutes
as presented. The motion carried by a voice vote.
2018 Annual Report
A. General Finances of the Association—Dr. Victor
Zimmerman, Treasurer
IASA Treasurer Dr. Victor Zimmerman reported on the
general finances of IASA for FY 2018, noting IASA again
finished the year in sound financial condition. The
auditors noted the annual audit revealed no material
findings or irregularities and had no recommendations
for internal controls. A clean opinion was provided for
the last two fiscal years.
B. Executive Director’s Report—State of the Association
Report—Dr. Brent Clark, Executive Director
Dr. Brent Clark, IASA Executive Director, presented
the State of the Association Report, reflecting on the
last 10 years and how the association is progressing
forward in all areas. He added that K-12 education has
weathered the storm well considering the blight financial
condition of Illinois. He noted IASA and its members
joined together as a unit which helped in sustaining
the turbulence of the school funding crisis. Dr. Clark
briefly touched on the IASA/ECRA Dashboard, Illinois
School Stories initiative and the Future Green Energy
Consortium. He added that IASA hired two additional
Field Services Directors this past year to bring the total
FSDs to six. Additional communications staff was hired
and the additional staffing of FSDs and Communications
has brought another much needed level of service to
A motion was made by Mr. Stephen Murphy, seconded
by Mr. Jeff Fetcho, to accept the Independent Auditor’s
Financial Report Summary as presented in the FY 2018
IASA Annual Report along with the acceptance of all
reports. The motion was approved by a voice vote.
Unfinished Business
There was no unfinished business.
New Business
There was no new business.
A motion was made by Dr. Robert M. Carlo, seconded by Mr.
Jeff Fetcho to adjourn the Annual Meeting. The motion carried
and the meeting was declared adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ronald Jacobs
Secretary and Blackhawk Region