Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Basis of Accounting – The City has chosen to fund the Separation Allowance on a pay as you go basis. Pension
expenditures are made from the General Fund, which is maintained on the modified accrual basis of accounting. Benefits
are recognized when due and payable in accordance with the terms of the plan.
The Separation Allowance has no assets accumulated in a trust that meets the following criteria which are outlined in
GASB Statements 67 and 68:
contributions to the pension plan and earnings on those contributions are irrevocable
pension plan assets are dedicated to providing benefits to plan members
pension plan assets are legally protected from the creditors or employers
The City is required by Article 12D of G. S. Chapter 143 to provide these retirement benefits and has chosen to fund the
amounts necessary to cover the benefits earned on a pay as you go basis through appropriations made in the General
Fund operating budget. There were no contributions made by employees. The City’s obligation to contribute to this
plan is established and may be amended by the North Carolina General Assembly. Administration costs of the
Separation Allowance are financed through investment earnings.
The annual required contribution for the current year was determined as part of the December 31, 2014 actuarial
valuation using the projected unit credit actuarial cost method. The actuarial assumptions include (a) 5% investment rate
of return and (b) projected salary increase of 4.25% to 7.85%. Both (a) and (b) included an inflation component of
3.0%. The assumptions did not include post-retirement benefit increases. The actuarial value of assets was determined
using the market value of investments. The remaining amortization period at December 31, 2014 was 16 years.
The City’s annual pension cost and net pension obligation to the Separation Allowance for the current year, calculated
by actuarial analysis and GASB 73 guidance, were as follows:
Funded Status and Funding Progress
As of December 31, 2015, the most recent actuarial valuation date, the Separation Allowance was 19.5 percent funded.
The actuarial accrued liability for benefits was $32,672,426 and the actuarial value of the assets was $6,366,653
resulting in an unfunded actuarial accrued liability (UAAL) of $26,305,773. The covered payroll (annual payroll of
active employees covered by the plan) was $38,648,789 and the ratio of the UAAL to the covered payroll was 68.1
percent. The schedule of funding progress, presented as required supplementary information following the notes to the
Fiscal Year
Percentage of
Net Pension
Cost (APC)
APC Contributed
Annual Required Contribution
Interest on Net Pension Asset
Adjustment to Annual Required Contribution
Annual Pension Cost
Benefit Payments Made
Decrease in Net Pension Asset
Net Pension Asset-Beginning of Year
Net Pension Asset-End of Year