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David Anderson

Regional Manager: with SSC for over 8 years

Compass Trainings: EVOLVE and currently

in Leadership Accelerator

“Learn the art of delegation. Start delegating

early in your career so your time is freed up

to take on bigger challenges in your ar-

ea. Don’t just delegate the hard work, dele-

gate the fun stuff too. Taking on more re-

sponsibilities is so important to highlight your

abilities to your superiors.”

Career Spotlight

Jennifer Mitchell

Unit Director; with SSC over 5 years

Compass Trainings: Harvard Mentor, Mid-

way with DDL Training, and Disc Training

“My goals are to continue to grow and

move up in the company. I take every op-

portunity to learn and grasp new ideas to

improve myself and my team. My next

goal in my career is to become a Regional


Michelle Garcia

Resident Regional Manager; with SSC for 1


Compass Trainings: MIT Program and signed

up for Career Week trainings!

“One of my mentors always said ‘Never take

the first No’…I have learned persistency and

professional grace can indeed get you that
