September 2016
leurhof is a privately owned
property in the process of be-
ing developed by Calgro M3 in
partnershipwith the City of Johannes-
burg. It has been identified as one of
the South Africa’s premier integrated
residential projects. Fleurhof is situ-
ated southwest of Johannesburg next
to the existing Fleurhof residential
The 440 ha usable land area com-
prises various types of residential
fleurhof drive
The City of Johannesburg (COJ) Mayoral Committee Member for Housing, Dan Bovu, recently
handed over keys to beneficiaries of new houses at the Fleurhof integratedmixed use housing
development in Johannesburg.
units and forms of tenure that have
specific economic target markets:
fully subsidised BNG/RDP housing,
GAP, social housing, FLISP and open
market rentals as well as fully bonded
units. Within the 440 ha of land is a
mine dump in the process of being
cleared, which will result in yielding
an additional 5 000 residential units
within the near future.
The Fleurhof project on completion
will provide housing opportunities for
an estimated 83 000 people. This also
includes 3 236 fully subsidised units,
4 429 social and rental units, and 2 122
fully bonded houses and FLISP units.
Bovu says that apart from the 100
units allocated to beneficiaries, Jo-
hannesburg’s Executive Mayor, Parks
Tau, recently announced that 9 154
families will be housed by the city in
the next three years.
Bovu saidmore beneficiarieswill be
notified by SMS once units are ready
for occupation. He officially opened
Fleurhof Drive, the multi million rand
thoroughfare linking Florida with
Meadowlands in Soweto. “The new
road will significantly cut travelling
time.” The dual carriageway links the
more affluent neighbourhoods of Flor-
ida and Roodepoort with previously
disadvantaged areas. Bovu added,
“We continue to tackle the city’s hous-
ing waiting list and we have reached
the stage where we can address and
respond to the needs of the elderly.”
Green initiatives include energy
saving technologies such as solar
water heaters, heat pumps, improved
insulation, gaswhile recycling projects
have been implemented and initia-
tives such as food and gardening and
urban greening are currently being