from Mexico by the Franciscan fathers about the
year 1769. Subsequently varieties of French, Ger
man, and Spanish wines were introduced into the
state. In Ohio upon the shores of Lake Erie and
along the Ohio river the vine is extensively culti
vated. The champagnes and clarets made in the
neighborhood of Sandusky and Cleveland are pro
duced in considerable quantities.
New York, Missouri, Illinois, and Pennsylvania
are likewise large producing states, the largest wine
manufacturing establishment being in New York
State, Steuben County. The total annual produc
tion of wine in the United States now amounts to
about 35,000,000 gallons.
The British Medical Association, moved hy the
outcry against the use of alcoholic drinks, and wish
ing for some definite and reliable information as to
the influence of alcohol on the duration of life, ap
pointed a commission not long ago to gather statis
tics in the premises. The observations made in
cluded 4234 cases of deaths in five classes of indi
viduals, and here are the results in the average age
attained.byeach case: Total abstainers, years
and I month ; moderate drinkers, 63 years and }4
month; occasional drinkers,59 years and 2 months,
habitual drinkers, 57 years and 2 months; drunk
ards, 53 years and % month. It appears that
moderate drinkers live longer than anybody else,
and total abstainers are the shortest lived.