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DO you ever wonder who those people are who give up their time so freely to work

through the intricacies of the wonder that is the Ulster club rugby fixture schedule?

Or what kind of person willingly deals with the minutiae

of administration and with the plethora of problems the

sport throws up on a daily basis?

Well, someone who’s given almost 60 years of his life to

doing just those things, and much more besides, for his

beloved Carrickfergus club and for the Ulster Branch, is

the indomitable Ian Beggs, so appropriately awarded

the MBE in the New Year’s Honours list.

At 81-years-young, it is a timely recognition of stalwart

service and commitment to the sport from someone

who, despite never having played the game, became its

willing servant and its spirit and soul at Woodburn and at

Ravenhill Park.

Among the first to send his congratulations on the award

was Shane Logan, Chief Executive of Ulster Rugby, and

someone who knows only too well the application and

enthusiasm Ian has applied in the administration of the

game, and in its growth through the amateur era to the

modern professional sport it has become at the top


“Ian has devoted over half a century to the IRFU (Ulster

Branch) and his local rugby club, Carrickfergus RFC. He

has served with distinction in every role to which he has

been elected and has made an outstanding contribution

to rugby in Ulster over the last 60 years,” said Logan.

“I am delighted that his hard work and dedication has

been rewarded with an MBE in the Queen’s New Year’s

Honours List and, on behalf of everyone here at Ulster

Rugby, I would like to thank Ian for his long and valuable

voluntary services to rugby in the Province.”

And Ulster Branch President, Bobby Stewart, was eager

to share his delight at the honour bestowed on someone

who has done so much to build, strengthen and

develop the structures of rugby in the Province, and who

represents the importance of volunteers in the running

of the sport.

“Ian is the epitome of a volunteer, always willing to lend

a hand and never complaining. To give 60 years’ service

to any cause is commendable and Ian went above and

beyond to devote all those years to Carrickfergus RFC,

while living over 20 miles away, and always travelling by


“His commitment has been exceptional,” said Stewart

who, over the years, witnessed that quality in his friend

and colleague.

It was a September evening in 1956 when Ian was

unwittingly recruited into the administrative fold. His

brother and a group of friends were, they told him, off

to the Annual General Meeting of Carrickfergus Rugby


“I didn’t want to be left out in the cold on my own, so in I

went, and to my great surprise I left that evening as the

club’s Secretary! And I haven’t looked back since!” he

recalls with a twinkle in his eyes.

“My father and his brother played rugby for Carrick, my

mother’s brother and my cousin all lined out in black and

red. I was the odd man out. I sustained a bad break to

my arm when I was nine, so I think that had something

to do with putting me off playing. So cricket was actually

my sport of choice.”

Until, that is, that autumn evening on the Woodburn

Road in Carrick!

Since then Ian has served as Carrickfergus RFC’s

Honorary Secretary, Club Trustee, he’s a Founding

Member of the Carrick 7s Tournament, and for several

decades the club’s representative on the Ulster Branch

Clubs Committee.

He has served on a myriad of Branch committees,

including the International Ticket Allocation Committee,

and he’s been chairman and a member of the

Competitions Management Committee, privy to the

many sacred secrets and protocols which, magically,

have kept rugby organised and alive for generations of


Ian is the model of what we now call ‘the volunteer’, and

as if those long days and nights dealing with the detail

of what makes the sport ‘tick’ Ian Beggs somehow

found time, and the energy, to be a Voluntary Steward at

Ravenhill, supervising the crowds and the timetable on

match days.

For his selfless and tireless work the IRFU (Ulster

Branch) paid its tribute by making him Honorary Life

Vice-President, an accolade not lightly conferred, indeed

Ian is just one of three people to be so honoured.

A beacon of common-sense, the wisest of counsels,

and with an encyclopaedic knowledge of rugby’s

administrative crannies, Ian Beggs has been an

institution, admired and respected not just by the

Carrickfergus club he holds so dear, but by hundreds

of people and clubs in the Province, and across Ireland,

who have sought and got guidance, direction and that

most elusive of abstracts: a decisive opinion!

Though born in the city, and educated at Belfast ‘Inst’,

Ian grew up in Carrickfergus and was offered a job with

British Rail following the untimely death of his father, and

it was while working in that office that he met his wife

Jean, who was the telephonist. They married in 1963

and had one son, who now lives in France.

The couple now live in Belfast, but Ian’s fealty to

Carrickfergus Rugby Club is undimmed, and as often as

he can he takes the train to watch his club sides play.

Throughout the years, Ian has retained many fond

memories including receiving the 2007 Dorrington B

Faulkner Award – donated by the legendary Perennials

club - for his outstanding contribution to club rugby. And

a year later he picked up the IRFU’s Mr Boots Award – a