LWW Digital Catalogue 2014 - page 32

Me d i ca l Edu ca t i on
Prepare your students for exams and patient
encounters with Bates’ Visual Guide to Physical
Examination. With 8 new hours of examination
videos designed with your students in mind, it’s
the ideal physical assessment learning system.
• Dynamic, clinically oriented, head-to-toe
assessment videos.
• Interactive OSCE-style exercises to prepare
students for exams and patient encounters.
• Access anytime, anywhere on and off campus with
this web-based platform.
• Quick and easy searches and intuitive interface.
• Comprehensive and evidence-based - includes
assessment techniques, health history,
communication and building the patient-
practitioner relationship.
• Includes patients and examiners with a range of
cultural/socio-economic backgrounds to provide
students with a solid foundation in examination
Bates’Guide to Physical Examination and HistoryTaking
Bates’ Visual Guide
is based
on the best-selling assessment
textbook, now in its eleventh
edition. Like the text, the video
guide contains foundational
content to guide students’
approaches to history taking,
interviewing, and other core
assessment skills.
What are the learning benefits?
Bates’ Visual Guide
can be accessed from home, at
the library and throughout the campus. It allows
students to study at their own pace to supplement
classroom learning or to refresh knowledge during
clinical placement. Additionally, a downloadable script
provides a blueprint to help support and develop
skills during clinicals.
How will the guide help educators?
Bates’ Visual Guide
was produced in consultation with
educators to help prepare students with evidence-
based content. The videos include normal and
abnormal assessments and the clinical reasoning
modules (OSCEs) are designed to promote clinical
preparedness. Attention to detail and how to approach
the patient with empathy are emphasised.
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