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In the event a teacher feels it is necessary to remove a student from class, the student will be directed to the Assistant

Principal’s or Principal’s office. A discipline referral form should be completed by the teacher indicating the reason for the

dismissal and what attempts have been taken to correct the behavior, and this will be carried by the student when he/she

reports to the office.


The office views student removal from class as a serious offense indicating that the teacher has utilized all means to improve

behavior and is seeking Administrative assistance.


The following minimum procedures will be followed:


: The student will be removed from the class for the remainder of the period and sent to the main

office. Students sent to the office will be handled on an individual basis by the administration. Consequences may range

from verbal reprimand to suspension from school.


: The student will be removed from class for the remainder of the period and sent to the office. A

conference will be scheduled with the parents, student, teacher, and the administration before the student will be allowed

to return to the class. The student will remain out of class and under the supervision of the administration until the

conference is held. It will be decided at this conference if and under what conditions the student will return to class.

Further disciplinary action may also be discussed/applied.


: If the student is removed from class for a third time, he/she may be withdrawn from the class with a

WF (Withdrew Failing) and placed in a study hall. The parents will be notified, and they may request a conference to

review the disciplinary action.

If repeated occurrences of inappropriate behavior continue in other classes, the student will be referred to administration. Discipline

will be assigned by the administration in accordance with the severity of the problem. Consequences may range from verbal reprimand

to expulsion.


Detentions may be assigned by the teachers to be served at times arranged by them. Students will be given at least a one day notice

before they are to serve the room detention. Individual room detentions will be a maximum of 30 minutes.

Room detentions may be assigned for but not limited to the following types of infractions:


violation of classroom rules


tardiness to class after first hour


any behavior which, in the judgment of the teacher, interferes with instruction


inappropriate language

Failure to serve detentions will result in the following:

1st No Show: The teacher will assign one additional detention to be served with the teacher and contact the parents/guardians.

2nd No Show: Students who fail to serve second detentions will be referred to the administration. Consequences may range from

detention to suspension from school.


Students will be assigned detentions for inappropriate behavior. Whenever possible, students will be notified of a detention assignment

in person by an administrator and notification will be provided to parents/guardians.

Detentions will be held before or after school. Students will be expected to do school work or will read for the entire time they are

assigned. If a student refuses to do the work or is disruptive, he/she will be asked to leave. Students who arrive late to detentions will

not be admitted and any student who does not attend an assigned detention or is removed for any reason, will be referred to


Participation in a sporting event, work, or other extra-curricular activity is not an excuse to miss a detention. If a student has an

excused absence the day of the assigned detention, or an essential doctor or dentist appointment, he/she must bring in a note and

make arrangements with the appropriate administrator to move their detention to the following available detention date.