2017-2022 Six-Year Capital Improvement Program
PAGE : 32 OF 123
Galvan Park Improvements
Project No.
Parks & Recreation
Community Services
Council Priorities
Enhancing Public Safety, Supporting Youth
Galvan Park
Project Description
The Galvan Park Project will be funded through a combination of Housing Related Park Grant Funds and
Community Development Block Grant Funds (CDBG). The CDBG capital funds can only be spent in areas that
meet certain demographic qualifications. Galvan Park has been the focus of the CDBG Capital Program due to its
unique eligibility based on location. Enhancements that occur in past years included the addition of a walking
path, a new BBQ area, new play equipment, construction of a playground area, and lighting improvements in the
park. Projects for FY 16/17 will include relocation and addition of handball courts, improved lighting and park
fitness equipment.
Housing related Parks Grant funds total $185,000 ($111,000 awarded and $74,000 anticipated from the next grant
cycle in FY 16/17). The City has $70,000 remaining in CDBG funds for use on this project in FY 16/17.
Grant in the amount of $185,000 is anticipated for FY 16/17.
Project Justification
CDBG funds are to be used to benefit low income areas. Galvan Park, which lies near the City's downtown is
eligible for these funds under the guidelines of the CDBG program. The park improvements meet the Council's
goal of supporting youth in the community. CDBG funding will no longer be available for parks beyond FY 16/17.