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And it has rung far and wide in the hearts and minds, as it came to be known as a

shelter and a home to all those who sought the way out of oppression, subjugation,

or annihilation…”

(Note: I had left this draft incomplete.)


Note: About that time, the Economy Group had made a general proposal for the

alignment of the community to its professed ideals.

As for our collective treatment of most issues I felt that our thinking was far too

linear and loaded and heavy and uninteresting. I kept wanting to communicate, but

hesitating to do it, and annoyed at my own formulations I usually abandoned my


The following text has perhaps not been shared, I am not sure now – I cannot

recollect exactly whether I have actually shared it with the members of the

Economy Group, as it is quite long.

*To the Economy Group, a response to its proposal.

“- Note of introduction:

The following contribution contains objections to the proposal – which I have tried

to substantiate -, and suggestions as to the direction I feel we should go – for

which I have tried to give examples.

As you have insisted on written communication, rather than pursuing a direct

exchange and sharing of views in a series of sessions devoted to the issue, I have

debated, as I am sure others have too, whether to remain silent – as no written

statement can be of much help in and by itself -, or to try and put it down as

comprehensively as possible.

As you see, I have gone for the second option, which is still, to me in any case,

very unsatisfactory.

Let it be proof at least that I take this issue at heart!

1- Objection on principle – process.

It is true that the present organisational arrangement in Auroville, wherein the

many working groups, although each of them is abundantly criticised, are more or

less left to their own devices, is dangerous, insofar as it is quite possible for any of

them, in their respective areas, to ignore, dismiss, underestimate or even collude

with active contradictions to the true purposes of Auroville or its essential laws.

Yet this can also be a creative and progressive arrangement, provided that:


Each working group, and each individual in it, has these purposes and laws

as a living and constant guide and priority, and never hesitates to give it the

necessary emphasis, by growing more and more aware of it as of what

contradicts it, with a fighting spirit.