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You can view the latest Rules of Conduct in full at

Good retailing practices

Herbalife Members are committed to treating their customers ethically and fairly. When presenting Herbalife products to

your customers:

Tell customers who you are, and what products you are selling.

Provide accurate and truthful information regarding the price, quality, performance, quantity and availability of the products/services

you are offering.

Provide a clear and descriptive written receipt.

Ensure you identify yourself as a Independent Herbalife Member.

Provide guidance regarding product usage prior to them purchasing Herbalife products.

Explain the Herbalife Gold Standard Guarantees.

Explain the Herbalife 30 day money-back guarantee, and how to cancel an order, should they choose to.

Respect your customer’s privacy by calling at times that suit their wishes.

Respect your customer’s right to end a sales call.

Ensure products are stored in a cool dry place.

Do not store the product in direct sunlight or leave the product in hot places, such as the boot of your car etc.

Always ensure the products are delivered to customers in a timely manner and in good condition.

eBay and other online auction sites:


Offering Herbalife Products for Auction

Auction sales and sales on auction sites weaken the personal relationships which Members must develop with their customers, as

well as the Herbalife brand and the image which Herbalife wants to establish for its products. Therefore, Members may not (directly

or indirectly through any intermediary or instrumentality) offer or facilitate the offering of Herbalife products for sale by soliciting or

receiving open bids. This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, soliciting or receiving bids for Herbalife products on the Internet,

through a commercial auction website, online auction marketplace, or otherwise. Furthermore,

commercial auction websites or

online auction marketplaces, and any other sites determined by Herbalife to have an auction focus, are prohibited sales

channels even when the proposed sales are at a fixed price.

Retail Order Form:

Herbalife Members are required by law to provide a Retail Order Form to their customer following a sale. Retail Order forms can be

downloaded free of charge from