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Chicago Bar Foundation


Pro Bono Resources

The CBF is your source for CBA members who

want to do pro bono work but aren’t sure where

to start. Check out the CBF website for more

information at:


By Bob Glaves

CBF Executive Director


s we approach this year’s CBA/CBF

Pro Bono Week and its theme of

“Caring, One Person at a Time,”

it is fitting to focus on one of the most

powerful reasons to do pro bono: the power

of proximity.

Proximity in this context is drawn from

the great Bryan Stevenson and refers to the

importance of getting closer to the prob-

lems that low-income and disadvantaged

people experience in the justice system.

While there of course are many other

reasons that pro bono plays a critical role

in our profession and in our communi-

ties, proximity is the most underrated and

arguably the most powerful benefit of pro

bono for all concerned.

Many of us find ourselves in day to day

practices far removed from where regular

people are experiencing the justice system.

And how can we realistically fulfill our

responsibilities as trustees of that system if

we don’t ever experience it from this van-

tage point? So long as you have the ability

to get up to speed relatively quickly in the

practice area involved—which with some

training and support is generally true for

just about all but the most specialized areas

of law—you can make a big difference for

your client and learn a lot in the process.

I saw this firsthand in my own experi-

ence as a newer lawyer with a practice

focused on commercial and tort litigation

for business clients. That kind of practice,

typical of most litigators in larger firms,

was very fulfilling but did not give me

much flavor for how the system works for

regular people, let alone low-income and

disadvantaged people in our community.

When we ran across unrepresented people

in the courts in our practice, the default

assumption was that person did not have

much of a case, not that there might be an

access to justice issue.

Put another way, when it came to access

to justice and the challenges that low-

income and disadvantaged people face in

the justice system, I didn’t know what I

didn’t know. When I joined the CBA Legal

Aid Committee back in 1991, it gradually

exposed me to some of those larger systemic

challenges (i.e., overstretched legal aid, lack

of funding). I didn’t fully get it though until

I started doing pro bono by volunteering at

a clinic for CVLS in Rogers Park.

At the clinic, clients would come in

wrestling with bread and butter issues like

consumer, housing, or family disputes, all

very different frommy day to day practice.

I had plenty of training and support avail-

able from the lawyers at CVLS to make

sure I wasn’t getting in over my head, which

made it easy to jump in and help. And I

ended up learning as much through those

clinic experiences—and my follow-up pro

bono representation of many of the clients

I met there—than I did through any of

my other early experiences as a lawyer, and

probably more.

These early pro bono experiences gave

me a whole new perspective on the justice

system and the unique challenges that

low-income and disadvantaged people face

when they confront legal problems that

can often have a dramatic impact on their

safety and well-being. I also learned what a

huge difference I could make for clients in

need through pro bono service even when

it’s outside of my normal comfort zone of

work. It led me to get more involved in

many other ways, and I was a much better

lawyer, a much better person, and a much

better advocate for the cause as a result.

So I am a big believer in the power of

proximity for lawyers in private practice

doing pro bono work, and it applies just as

much to other stakeholders in the system,

including law firms, legal aid organizations,

and the courts. As we approach this year’s

Pro Bono Week and look past that to the

coming year, let’s all remember the power

of proximity and the integral role of pro

bono in making us well-rounded lawyers

who can most effectively carry out our roles

as trustees of the justice system.



Pro Bono Week 2016–Caring, One Person at a Time

Pro Bono and the Power of Proximity