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Virtually each case is disposed of properly,

efficiently, and fairly. A few bad results get

all the attention. Those few should not cast

a cloud over the entire judiciary.

Perhaps more troubling than this

slanted media coverage is the fact that in

every election cycle, almost half of the

voters who take the time to go to their

polling places and casts votes for the high-

profile elected offices, don’t even bother to

vote in the judicial races or for the retention

candidates appearing at the bottom of the

ballot. Some of the stated reasons are, “I

don’t know anything about judges, so I am

not going to bother voting.” Or, “There are

too many names on that ballot. I don’t have

time to go through all of them.” These are

not explanations. They’re all just excuses

for voter apathy. Yet, when comparing

the lesser of two evils, I suppose that this

practice of “skipping” the judicial ballot

is a better course of action than the one

taken by about 20% of voters who vote

“No”, across the board, for each judge

seeking retention, regardless of his or her

qualifications, bar ratings, or service to the

community. These voters are not simply

apathetic. They are overtly antagonistic to

our judicial system.

Maybe the blame for this apathy and

antagonism lies with us–the practicing

lawyers. Maybe we need to tell our neigh-

bors that almost all of our judges have been

thoroughly vetted, and are qualified public

servants who do a good job. Maybe we need

to remind these folks that they should not

complain about our legal system unless they

take the time to learn about candidates, act

as educated voters do, and actually influ-

ence the election of the judiciary.

Perhaps we at the CBA need to do a

better job of making people aware of the

work done by the dozens of lawyers who

serve on our Judicial Evaluation Com-

mittee (JEC). Each election cycle, the

JEC devotes thousands of hours to rate

each judge appearing on the ballot. Those

ratings are published in the CBA’s “Vote

Smart” guide which is available for free


Our 2016 “Vote

Smart” voter education campaign also fea-

tures public service radio announcements,

CBATV, the internet via,


various social media outlets.

But we need your help too. As lawyers,

we must be advocates for our judicial

system. Download our “Vote Smart” guide

and share it with your family, friends and

neighbors. If you know people who truly

“don’t know anything about the judges,”

give them this guide to take into the polling

place to help themmake educated choices.

Remember, America has always had the

greatest justice system in the world. The

only way we can maintain that system is if

our citizens participate in the process.