You are dispatched to
a shoplifter in custody. The suspect is now causing a
disturbance, although the details of that disturbance
are sketchy. The loss prevention officer indicates he
needs an officer now! Describe your driving behaviors
to get to the store. Will you use lights and/or siren?
Will you exceed the speed limit?
R E M O V I N G T H E “ I N ” F R O M U S
TPCA’s Program to Reduce Officer Deaths and Injuries
Stan Standridge
The Executive Board of the FBI National Academy Associates is dedicated to
furthering the conversation on officer safety and wellness issues that impact
the law enforcement profession. Each Associates Magazine highlights challenges
that are inherent to the profession and present solutions to those looking to
enhance their own personal resiliency or that of their agencies.
uch is a scenario posed by the Officer Safety Committee that is housed
within the
Texas Police Chiefs Association (TPCA)
. The Texas Po-
lice Chiefs Association (TPCA) exists to
“promote the highest standards of
the police profession through selection and training of law enforcement officers”
while striving for the highest degree of respect for law and order throughout
the State of Texas (Texas Police Chiefs Association, 2012). Housed within
TPCA is the Officer Safety Committee, which is made up of police chiefs,
attorneys, doctors, and risk managers. Their goal: work to intentionally re-
duce officer deaths and injuries. But how?
In a conversation with staff members in 2015, Chief
Stan Standridge
(Abilene, Texas), asked what could be done to intentionally reduce such
deaths and injuries. A response, and now the statewide strategy, was born
. The committee recognized that nearly half of all nationwide
peace officer fatalities are the result of driving too fast for conditions, not
wearing a seat belt, not wearing body armor, or not being fit. Heart attacks
routinely claim fifteen or more officers every year! The committee also fully
considered all other reasons why officers, deputies and corrections officers
die. Increasing core tactical competencies at all levels of any agency would
mitigate many felonious deaths.
State law requires officers to operate with appropriate regard for the safety of
all persons, and it does not excuse police officers of the consequences for failing
to provide that duty of care! Your department has a policy regarding emergency
driving. When you drive outside of policy and state law, you can be criminally
prosecuted and sued in civil court! By acting within law and policy, you limit
your criminal and civil liability and you may save a life, including your own!
This training scenario is one of many that are sent to Texas agencies
weekly through email in support of
. The Officer Safety Com-
mittee recognized that training will only be effective if it is relevant, recur-
ring and at the agency’s fingertips. Fully developed in-house by the TPCA,
each week’s training is predicated on 4 Cornerstones: