Removing or Replacing
For blade replacement or
sharpening, simply remove blade by
sufficiently loosening the setscrew
in the shank end. The blade has
an open-end slot design. Slip open
end of slot over pivot pin and adjust
setscrew to desired depth of cut.
Do not compress spring to its solid
condition. The blade will not retract
without spring cushion.
Typical Operation
Handi-Burr™ tools are recommended for
hand held or medium production deburring
The tool deburrs automatically — front and back side
or back side only — in a single pass.
• A sturdy tool with only a few parts, the Handi-Burr™
is a rugged reliable tool
• Can be used in either a fixed spindle machine or a
portable power hand tool
• The amount of de-burring and chamfer can be
controlled by adjusting the setscrew in the shank
• Selected settings are based on the hardness of the
material and the speed and feed used
DA Double Cutting
BA Back Cutting
Blade Type
DA (double action)-
for deburring
both sides of holes.
BA (back action)-
for back of
hole only.
Tungsten Carbide blades available
for sizes 1/8 through #110.
blade supplied as standard.
blade is desired, please specify when ordering.
Whitney Handi-Burr™ Tools