Multi-Axis Servo Drive DM2020
Compact and flexible, the DM2020 is a modular multi-axis drive with centralized power. It is equipped by
fieldbus (EtherCAT®, CANBus) andmanages synchronous permanentmagnetmotors, linearmotors, torque
motors and asynchronousmotors. The current sizes range from2 to 128 and up to 256Arms nominal peak.
Single-Axis Servo Drive DS2020
TheDS2020 is the newdigital “standalone” servodrive, specificallydesignedwith small overall dimensions.
The current capacity of the available versions (50, 75, 85 and 125 mm) range from 2 Arms to 48 Arms
continuous, and from 4 Arms to 96 Arms peak.
Decentralized Servo Drive DR2020
The DR2020 is a drive suitable for applications with electronics distributed on the machine, that can be
integrated intoamulti-axisconfiguration.Thanks tothe IP67protectiongrade, theDR2020doesnot require
an electrical cabinet to be installed, but can be positioned directly on the machinery with a consequent
streamlining of wire configurations and space savings in the control cabinets. This also thanks to the use
of a single connector for power and signal.
Brushless Motor with Natural or Liquid Cooling Fastact H
The servomotorMoog Fastact seriesH (W) is a synchronousmotor with permanentmagnets characterized
by compactness, high overload capacity and high accelerations. It is available in a wide range of sizes, with
nominal torques from0.3 Nm to 831 Nm and peak torques from1.8 Nm to 1721 Nm, with natural (Fastact
H) or liquid cooling (Fastact WH).
Direct Drive Motor D1200
The servomotors direct drive Moog D1200 series are synchronous motors with permanent magnets
characterized by high torque and low speed. The motors are available in both complete version and as a
rotor stator unit for integration into the mechanics of the customer. There is a wide range of modularity
from 2000 Nm up to 16000 Nm, with natural cooling and water cooling.
HF High Frequency Rotor Stator Units
The HF rotor/stator high frequency units are designed to be integrated in the motor spindles for milling,
grinding, drilling, in pumps, fans, compressors, centrifuges etc. both for classical spindle manufacturers
and industrial machinery manufacturers, each according to their specific performance
The asynchronous and permanent magnet units are available in versions with 2, 4, 6 and 8 poles andmore,
with an external diameter from 52 to 300 mm and speed of rotation up to 260000 rpm.
Multi Axis Servo Drive DM2020
Compact and flexible, the DM2020 is a modular multi-axis drive with centralized
power. It is equipped by fieldbus (EtherCAT, CAN bus) and manages synchronous
permanent magnet motors, linear motors, torque motors and asynchronous
motors. The current sizes range from 2 to 128 and up to 256 Arms nominal peak.
Single Axis Servo Drive DS2020
The DS2020 is the new digital "stand alone" servo drive, specifically designed
with small overall dimensions. The current capacity of the available versions (50,
75, 85 and 125 mm) range from 2 Arms to 48 Arms continuous, and from 4 Arms
to 96 Arms peak.
Decentralized Servo Drive DR2020
Th DR2020 is a dri
suitable for applications with electronics distributed on
the machine, that can be integrated into a multi-axis configuration. Thanks to the
IP67 protection grade, the DR2020 does not require an electrical cabinet to be
installed, but can be positioned directly on the machinery with a consequent
streamlining of wire configurations and space savings in the control cabinets. This
also thanks to the use of a single connector for power and signal.
Brushless motor with natural or liquid cooling Fastact H
The servomotor Moog Fastact ser es H (W) is a synchronous motor with
permanent magnets characterized by compactness, high overload capacity and
high accelerations. It is available in a wide range of sizes, with nominal torques
from 0.3 Nm to 831 Nm and peak torques from 1.8 Nm to 1721 Nm, with natural
(Fastact H) or liquid cooling (Fastact WH).
Direct drive motor D1200
The servomotors direct drive Moog D1200 series are synchronous motors with
permanent magnets characterized by high torque and low speed. The motors are
availabl in bot complete version and as a rotor stator un t f r integration into
the mechanics of the cust mer. Ther is a wide range f modularity from 2000Nm
up to 16000Nm, with natural cooling and water cooling.
HF High frequency rotor stator units
The HF rotor/stator high frequency units are designed to be integrated in the
motor spindles for milling, grinding, drilling, in pumps, fans, compressors,
centrifuges etc. both for classical spindle manufacturers and industrial
machinery manufacturers, each according to their specific performance
The asy ronous and permanent magnet units re available in versions with 2, 4,
6 and 8 poles and ore, with an external diameter from 52 to 300mm and speed
of rotation up to 260000rpm.
Multi Axis Servo Drive DM2020
Compact and flexible, the DM2020 is a modular multi-axis drive with centralized
power. It is equipped by fieldbus (EtherCAT, CAN bus) and manages synchronous
permanent magnet motors, linear motors, torque motors and asynchronous
motors. The current sizes range from 2 to 128 and up to 256 Arms nominal peak.
Single Axis Servo Drive DS2020
The DS2020 is the new digital "stand alone" servo drive, specifically designed
with small overall dimensions. The cur ent capacity of the available versions (50,
75, 85 and 125 mm) range from 2 Arms to 48 Arms continuous, and from 4 Arms
to 96 Arms peak.
Decentralized Servo Drive DR2020
The DR2020 is a drive suitable for applications with electronics distributed on
the machine, that can be integrated into a multi-axis configuration. Thanks to the
IP67 protection grade, the DR2020 does not require an electrical cabinet to be
installed, but can be positioned directly on the ma hinery with a conseque t
streamlining of wire configurations and space savings in the control cabinets. This
also thanks to the use of a single connector for power and signal.
Brushless motor with natural or liquid cooling Fastact H
The servomotor Moog Fastact series H (W) is a synchronous motor with
permanent magnets characterized by compactness, high overload capacity and
high accelerations. It is vailable in a wide range of sizes, with ominal torques
fr 0.3 Nm to 831 Nm and peak torques f om 1.8 Nm to 1721 Nm, wit tural
(Fastact H) r liquid cooling (Fastact WH).
Direct drive motor D1200
The servomotors direct drive Moog D1200 series are synchronous motors with
permanent magnets characterized by high torque and low speed. The motors are
available in both complete version and as a rotor stator unit for integration into
the mechanics of the customer. There is a wide range of modularity from 2000Nm
up to 16000Nm, with natural cooling and water cooling.
HF Hig fr ency rotor stator units
The HF rotor/stator high frequency units are designed to be integrated in the
motor spindles for milling, grinding, drilling, in pumps, fans, compressors,
centrifuges etc. both for classical spindle manufacturers and industrial
machinery manufacturers, each according to their specific performance
The asynchronous and permanent magnet units are available in versions with 2, 4,
6 and 8 poles and more, with an external diameter from 52 to 300mm and speed
of rotation up to 260000rpm.
ulti Axis Servo Drive D 2020
Co pact and flexible, the D 2020 is a odular ulti-axis drive with centralized
power. I is equipped by fieldbus (EtherCAT, CA bus) and anages synchrono s
per anen
otors, linear
otors, torque motors and a y chronou
motors. The current sizes range fro 2 to 128 and up to 256 Ar s no inal peak.
Single Axis Servo Drive DS2020
The DS2020 is the new digital "stand alone" servo drive, specifically designed
ith s all overall di ensions. The current capacity of the available versions (50,
75, 85 and 125
) range fro 2 r s to 48 r s continuous, and fro 4 r s
to 96 Ar s peak.
ecentralized Servo rive DR2020
The DR2020 is a drive suitable for applications with electronics distributed on
the achine, that can be integrated into a ulti-axis configuration. Thanks to the
IP67 protection grade, the
2020 does not require an electrical cabinet to be
installed, but can be positioned directly on the
achinery with a consequent
strea lining of ire configurations and space savings in the control cabinets. This
also thanks to the use of a single connector for power and signal.
Brushless otor ith natural or liquid cooling Fastact H
The servo otor
oog Fastact series H ( ) is a synchronous
otor with
per anent magnets characterized by compactness, high overload capacity and
high accelerations. It is available in a wide range of sizes, with nominal torques
from 0.3 Nm to 831 Nm and peak torques from 1.8 Nm to 1721 Nm, with natural
(Fastact H) or liquid cooling (Fastact
irect drive otor D1200
The servo otors direct drive oog 1200 series are synchronous otors with
permanent agnets characterized by high torque and low speed. The motors are
available in both co plete version and as a rotor stator unit for integration into
the echanics of the custo er. There is a wide range of odularity fro 2000N
up to 16000N , with natural cooling and ater cooling.
F igh frequency rotor stator units
rotor/stator high frequency units are designed to be integrated in the
otor spindles for
illing, grinding, drillin , in pu ps, f ns, co pressors,
centrifuges etc. both for clas ical spin le
anufacturers and industrial
anufacturers, each according to their specific perfor ance
require ents.
The asynchronous and per anent agnet units are available in versions with 2, 4,
6 and 8 poles and more, with an external diameter from 52 to 300 and speed
of rotation up to 260000rpm.
s h ra
n a e
ue d
c o g
Multi Axis Servo Drive DM2020
Compact and flexible, the DM2020 is a modular multi-axis drive with centralized
power. It is equipped by fieldbus (EtherCAT, CAN bus) nd manages synchronous
er anent magn t motors, l near motors, torque motors nd a
motors. The curren size range from 2 to 128 and p to 256 Arms n mi al peak.
Single Axis Servo Drive DS2020
The DS2020 is the new digital "stand alone" servo drive, specifically designed
with small overall dimensions. The current capacity f the available versions (50,
75, 85 and 125 mm) range from 2 Arms to 48 Arms continuous, and from 4 Arms
to 96 Arms peak.
Decentralized Servo Drive DR2020
The DR2020 is a drive suitable for applications with electronics distributed on
the machine, that can be integrated into a multi-axis configurat on. Thanks to the
IP67 protection grade, the DR2020 does not require a electr cal cabinet to b
installed, but can be positioned directly on the machinery with a consequent
stre mlining of wire configurations and space savings in th control cabinets. This
also thanks to the use of a single connector for power a d signal.
Brushless motor with natural or liquid cooling Fastact H
The servomotor Moog Fastact series H (W) is a synchronous motor with
permanent magnets characterized by compactness, high overload capacity and
high ccelerations. It is available in a wide r ng of sizes, with nominal torques
from 0.3 Nm to 831 Nm and peak torques from 1.8 Nm to 1721 Nm, with nat ral
(Fastact H) or liquid cooling (Fastact WH).
Direct drive motor D1200
The servomotors direct drive Moog D1200 series are synchronous motors with
permanent magnets characterized by high torque and low speed. The motors are
available in both complete v rsion and as a rotor stator unit for int grati n into
the mecha ics of the custom . There is wide range of modularity from 2000Nm
up to 16000Nm, with natural cooling and water cooling.
HF High frequency rotor stator units
The HF rotor/stator high frequency units are designed to be integrated in the
motor spindles for milling, grinding, drilling, in pumps, fans, c m ressors,
cen rifuges etc. both for classical spindle manufacturers and industrial
mach nery manufacturers, each
their specific performance
require ents.
The asynchronous and permanent magnet units are available in versions with 2, 4,
6 and 8 poles and more, with an external diamete from 52 to 300mm and speed
of rotati n up to 260000rpm.
Multi Axis Servo Drive DM2020
Compact and flexible, the DM2020 is a modular multi-axis drive with centralized
power. It is quipped by fieldbus (EtherCAT, CAN bus) and manages synchronous
ermanent magnet motors, linear motors, torq e motors and asynch n us
moto s. The current sizes range from 2 to 128 and up to 256 Arms nominal peak.
Single Axis Servo Drive DS2020
The DS2020 is the n w digital "stand alone" servo drive, specifically designed
with small overall dimensions. The current capacity of the available versions (50,
75, 85 and 125 mm) range from 2 Arms to 48 Arms continuous, and from 4 Arms
to 96 Arms p ak.
Decent alized Servo Drive DR2020
The DR2020 is a drive suitable for applications with electronics distributed on
the machine, that can be integrated into a multi-axis configuration. Thanks to the
IP67 protection grade, the DR2020 does not require an electr al cabine to be
installed, but can be posi ioned irectly on he machinery with a con equent
streamlining of wire configurations and pace savings in the control c nets. This
al o thanks to th use of a s ngle connector for powe and signal.
Brus less m tor with natural or liquid o ling Fastact H
The s rvo t r Moog F stact series H (W) is a synchronous motor with
permanent magnets characterized by compactness, high overload capacity and
high accelera i ns. It is av ilable in a wide range of sizes, with nominal torques
fro 0.3 Nm to 831 Nm and peak torques from 1.8 Nm to 1721 Nm, with natural
(Fastact H) or liquid cooling (Fastact WH).
Direct drive motor D1200
Th servomotors direct drive Moog D1200 series are synchronous motors with
permanent magnets characterized by high torqu and low speed. The motors are
available in both complete
rsi n and as a rotor stator unit f r integration in o
the echanics of the customer. There is a wide range of modularity from 2000Nm
up to 16000Nm, with natural cooli g and w ter cooling.
HF High frequency rotor stator units
The F otor/stat r high frequency units are designed to be integrated in the
motor spindles for milling, grinding, drilling, in pumps, fans, compressors,
centrifuges etc. bot for classical spindl manufacturers and in ustrial
achinery manu acturers, each accord ng to their specific performance
r quirem nts.
The asynchronous nd p manent m gnet u its are available in versions with 2, 4,
6 and 8 pole and more, with an external diameter from 52 to 300mm and speed
of rotation up to 260000 pm.