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Conformational Ensembles from Experimental Data

and Computer Simulations

Poster Abstracts



Board 31

Non-Ewald Method for Accurately and Efficiently Calculating Electrostatic Interactions in

Molecular Simulations

Ikuo Fukuda


, Narutoshi Kamiya


, Kota Kasahara


, Han Wang


, Shun Sakuraba


, Haruki





Osaka University, Suita, Osaka, Japan,


University of Hyogo, Kobe, Japan,



University, Kusatsu, Japan,


Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics,

Beijing, China,


The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.

A larger system and longer time steps are necessary to conduct a realistic molecular simulation,

but they are hardly realized in current computational environments. The most time-consuming

part of the simulation is the calculation of long-range interactions of particles. In particular,

appropriate treatment of the electrostatic interaction is critical, since the simple truncation cannot

be used due to the slow decay of the Coulombic function. Thus, there is strong demand to

calculate the electrostatic interactions with high accuracy and low computational cost.

For this purpose, we have developed the Zero-multipole summation method (ZMM) [1]. In this

method, the periodic boundary condition, which can potentially cause artifacts in particular for

heterogeneous systems, is not necessary, and the Fourier-part evaluation, which is typically the

bottleneck for high performance computation, is not needed, in contrast to conventional Ewald-

based methods. Instead, a suitably defined simple pairwise function, which differs from the

original Coulombic function, is used with a cutoff scheme. The underling physical idea is simple

that certain electrostatic neutrality is attained in a biological or condensed matter system [2].

This idea is realized by a mathematical foundation to generate a new pairwise function. The

accuracy and efficiency of the ZMM has been validated in fundamental systems as well as

heterogeneous biomolecular systems, including DNA and protein. In the presentation, we will

provide the theory and numerical results on the ZMM, and discuss how the treatment of the

electrostatic calculations seriously affects simulation results.

[1] I. Fukuda, J. Chem. Phys. 139, 174107 (2013); I. Fukuda et al., ibid. 140,194307 (2014); H.

Wang et al., ibid. 144, 114503 (2016); K. Kasahara, et al., Biophys. Physicobiol., 13, 209 (2016).

[2] I. Fukuda and H. Nakamura, Biophys. Rev. 4, 161 (2012).