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New Biological Frontiers Illuminated by Molecular Sensors and Actuators

Poster Abstracts


Board 31

Investigating Cellular Activity in Dissociated Neuronal Cultures Using Novel pH and PKA

Activity Biosensors.

Thorvald F. Andreassen, Sofie E. Pedersen,

Kenneth Madsen


University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

A fundamental ambition within the field of neuroscience is to understand and describe neuronal

signaling at the single neuron level as well as within complex neuronal circuits. Consequently,

new insights into neuronal activity are a requirement in order to uncover the processes governing

brain physiology. Traditionally the investigation of neuronal function on the single cell level has

been limited to electrophysiological measurements providing great temporal resolution but poor

spatial information and flexibility. However, the advents of novel biosensors have provided the

tools to circumvent these caveats by allowing us to probe the function of neurons using less

invasive techniques with high spatial resolution and increasing flexibility. Here we describe our

work in applying biosensors in different neuronal culture systems, firstly to investigate

hippocampal acidification using pHluorin as pH sensor and secondly to monitor PKA activity in

striatal neurons.

Our group has recently described the use of the pH sensitive pHluorin-GFP variant (1) as a tool

to monitor intracellular acidification in hippocampal neurons (2). We found that chemical LTD

protocols decrease the intracellular pH in dissociated hippocampal neurons through a currently

unknown calcium dependent mechanism. We have now implemented the use of simultaneous

measurement of calcium and pH through the use of pHluorin and the calcium sensor R-GECO


We also describe the use of the PKA activity sensor AKAR (4) to investigate discrete dopamine

mediated changes in postsynaptic striatal neuron PKA activity. The sensitivity of this assay

allows us to monitor changes of PKA activity in response physiological concentrations of agonist

providing a unique method to investigate striatal dopamine physiology.