The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
[MAY, 1913
order herein be
the form
directed to the said Justices commanding
that is to say : " That a writ of
them to admit and hear the said Atwell Hayes
do issue directed to the said Justices com-
Alien, and to allow him to conduct and to
manding them to admit and hear the said
make full answer on behalf of all parties by
Atwell Hayes Alien and to allow him to
and against whom any complaint or informa-
conduct and to make full answer on behalf
tion may be made and on whose behalf the
of all parties by and against whom any
said Atwell Hayes Alien may be retained as
complaint or information may be made and
at Queenstown Petty Sessions
on whose behalf the said Atwell Hayes Alien
Court. And it is further ordered that the
may be retained as Solicitor at Queenstown
costs herein do stand over until the termina-
Petty Sessions Court."
It is ordered the
tion of the
cause shown to be disallowed, and it is
XLVIL, 109.)
ordered that a writ of
do issue
Practice before the Chief Clerks of the Master of the Rolls and Mr. Justice Barton.
The following Memorandum, shewing the differences in the practices before the Chief Clerks
of the Master of the Rolls and Mr. Justice Barton, which has been prepared by the
Court and Offices Committee of the Council, will probably be found useful by
Separate Credit Applications.
1. Application is made to the Court (on
Applications are made to the Chief Clerk
( any day except Tuesday, upon which day
the Chief Clerk is in Court).
Application for Discovery.
2. Application is made to the Court (on
Application is made to the Chief Clerk (any
day except Tuesday, upon which day the
Chief Clerk is in Court).
Chief Clerk's Certificate.
3. Compared by the Chief Clerk himself on
Compared, in the first instance, with the
signing it.
Senior Clerk, and subsequently signed by \he
Chief Clerk.
Issuing Summonses.
4. A copy of the Summons is lodged by the
Except in cases of no service of Summons
Solicitor in Chambers in addition to the two
and Originating Summons the copy filed in
copies filed in the Notice Office.
the Notice Office is forwarded by the officials
to the Chief Clerk.
Memorandum for the Judge.
5. The Solicitor uses his own discretion as
The Chief Clerk has to settle the memo-
to the documents to be lodged in Court.
randum and give directions as to lodgment of