Hello North Chanel Yacht Club:
Special arrangements have been made (with the help of P/C Rick and Jill Romatz-Thank You!) for the
NCYC August 19-21, 2017 Rendezvous at MacRay Harbor. MacRay Harbor is the premier spot to see the
Thunderbirds at the Selfridge 2017 Air Show. Please see flyer below.
On January 2, 2017 after 10:00 a.m., you will need to call MacRay Member Services (Tammy or Anne) at
(586) 468-1900, ext. 434 or 443 and reserve your well. You will need to pay for your well when making
your reservation ($2.25/ft.). Space is limited to 20 plus wells, so if you are interested, please call AFTER
January 2, 2017 to reserve your well. More details regarding activities for the weekend will follow, but
you can bet that it will be a fun filled weekend!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact P/C Tom or Judy McHugh at
(586) 465-7777 or email
: tgmchugh@yahoo.comThank you,
Tom and Judy McHugh