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Peter Prokosch, MD of GRID-Arendal, in Blue Carbon debate at Eye on Earth Summit in December 2011 (photo by Robert Barnes)


Management of the

marine environment

The focus that the extended continental shelf work has

given to sustainable marine management, and the con-

tacts established through that programme, will underpin

the Marine Ecosystem Management (MEM) part of the

Marine Programme going forward.


In this context, the

Sustainable Seas Programme

is a follow up of the UNEP

Shelf Programme targeting “downstream” activities to

support developing states in the sustainable management

of the marine environment. A partnership is envisioned

with UNEP, IOC, Norwegian institutions and others and,

building on the network of contacts developed through

the UNEP Shelf Programme, the first phase will focus on

the same geographic areas. A Memorandum of Under-

standing has already been signed with the Abidjan Con-

vention and a pilot workshop is planned in West Africa to

identify capacity development priorities and needs in five

thematic areas.


The aim of GRID-Arendal’s

Blue Carbon Initiative

, a sig-

nificant strategic outgrowth of the MEM since 2010, is to

integrate Blue Carbon-related ecosystem management

into national and regional policy design. There is a great

need to assist coastal and island states to meet UN Mil-

lennium Development Goals, promote the sustainable

management of coastal Blue Carbon ecosystems through

climate change adaptation and mitigation, recognise

and value coastal ecosystem services, and strengthen

institutions and capacity for sustainable management


During 2011, the following Blue Carbon-related activities

were initiated:

Arabian Peninsula Assessment Project

– Under con-

tract to the Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Ini-

tiative (AGEDI), GRID-Arendal undertook a first level

policy and science exploration of Blue Carbon for the

Arabian Peninsula. Over 40 meetings were held with

local, national, and regional authorities and organisa-

tions throughout the region, including in the United

Arab Emirates (UAE), Qatar, Kuwait, and Jordan. The

Blue Carbon -

First level Exploration of Natural Coastal

Carbon in the Arabian Peninsula



was launched

at the Eye on Earth Summit in Abu Dhabi in Decem-

ber 2011. It focuses on opportunities to advance Blue

Carbon in Abu Dhabi and the UAE and also explores

the concept in a regional context.

Eye on Earth Summit

– In partnership with AGEDI and

the Washington DC-based non-profit, Blue Climate

Solutions, GRID-Arendal put the spotlight on Blue

Carbon at the Eye on Earth Summit, a major interna-

tional event held in December 2011 and jointly hosted

by the Environment Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD) and

UNEP. The summit promoted the theme of knowl-

10. The MEM currently has 5 focus areas: Shelf + Blue Carbon; Sus-

tainable Seas Programme; EbM/Spatial Planning; Green Economy in a

Blue World; Natural Resources

11. Marine data and information management, marine assessments,

outreach and communication, green economy, and offshore oil and gas

environmental management

