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• Coordinating the production of the Global Outlook on Methane Gas Hydrates, due

to be launched in 2012. The outlook is being prepared in collaboration with national

workgroups from Norway, Canada, US, India, Korea, Japan and Germany, private sector

companies (Statoil and Schlumberger) and NGOs (WWF, Forum for the Future (UK)).

I A new public outreach web portal providing a multimedia experience of methane hy-



) was launched.

2. Develop innovative communication

tools and services (i.e. marine websites,

Earthwire, photo library).

Sub-programme 4: Environmental Gov-

ernance 4(d) 1, 4(d)2, 4(d

• Number of hits on the websites

• Number of registered users of Earth-


• Marine Newsletter produced monthly and number of subscribers increased to 310. The

newsletter has been featured in IISD Biodiversity Update several times. The newsletter

has during 2011 been enhanced with a Picture of the Month.

• EarthWire Marine updated daily and number of e-mail subscribers increased to 260.

Geographic tags added to allow search by regions.

• All printed reports presented as e-books on GRID-Arendal’s website.

3. Strengthen capacity for marine manage-


Sub-programme 3: Ecosystem Manage-

ment 3(b)3

• Comprehensive training to at least

2 developing states delivered.

• At least 50 marine experts and manag-

ers trained.

• Number of University of the Sea cruises

organized: 2

• Supported Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Branch (MCEB) of UNEP, as a partner in the

project ‘Broad-scale marine spatial planning of mammal corridors & protected areas in

Wider Caribbean & Southeast & Northeast Pacific’ (2010-2012), which contributes to

the LifeWeb Initiative of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). GRID-Arendal

has a lead role in providing technical support and guidance for the data identification,

collation and visualization of essential habitats and regional-scale migration routes for

marine mammals.

• Signed MoU with the Abidjan Convention Secretariat to support marine management

through the Sustainable Seas Programme. Planning a pilot workshop in the region dur-

ing first half of 2012 to identify capacity development priorities and needs in the coun-

tries in West Africa.

• Asked to explore the production of rapid Blue Carbon assessments for Belize, the Ba-

hamas and Seychelles.

• 5 University of the Sea (UOS) cruises. 27 young scientists and students participated.

4. Develop methodology for ecosystem-

based adaptation (EbA) to climate change

that integrates scientific and traditional

knowledge in two SIDS communities.

Communities are empowered and capac-

ity is built to analyse, prevent, and manage

risks related to both climate change and

natural disasters over both the long and

short terms, and to influence decision-

making at the local and regional levels.

2 communities provided with relevant

tools/skills and knowledge on ecosystem-

based adaptation to climate change, in-

cluding facilitators within local, regional

and national organizations trained to im-

plement EbA methodologies.

• Relationships with key partners have been established in the ecosystem-based adap-

tion to climate change in SIDS. Climate change vulnerability and impact assessments

as well as the ongoing project in Integrated Coastal Management will take place in the

Caribbean in 2012.

• Meta-analysis of existing practices, policies and gaps in linking traditional and scientific

knowledge for adaptation to climate change started.