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JULY 1989


9th May 1989

The Editor,

Law Society Gazette,

Incorporated Law Society,

Blackhall Place,

Dublin 7.

Re: Amnesty International

Dear Editor,

May I use your correspondence

column to notify readers that

Amnesty International has re-

started its Lawyers Group. The

group comprises members of

Amne s ty who are solicitors,

barristers and law students and it

aims to use its legal expertise for

the benefit of Amnesty; to partici-

pate as a legal presence in its

campaigns and to alert lawyers

generally of the concerns of


Some group members participate

by taking part in the monthly postal

appeals to governments and state

o f f i c i a l s, seeking release of

prisoners of conscience, fair and

prompt trials and the abolition of

the death penalty. Others in the

group also attend at regular

meetings to discuss and further the

above aims.

As this is the year in which

Amnesty has launched a special

campa i gn against t he death

penalty, world-wide, and as this is

probably of special concern to

lawyers, the group is issuing a

special invitation to all lawyers to

join Amnesty and within that, to

become involved in the Lawyers


To join Amnesty International,

please write to Amnesty Inter-

national, 8 Shaw Street, Dublin 2,

enclosing cheque £12.00 annual

membership fee. Mark your letter

for the attention of the Lawyers

group if you would like to partake

in any of the group's activities and

you will then be notified of further

activities of the group. Thank you

for your attention and looking

forward to a large response.

Yours sincerely,

Noeline Blackwell,

Amnesty International,

8 Shaw St.,

Dublin 2.




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