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MARCH 198 9

Younger Members' News

"If it's Tuesday i t

must b e Luxembourg"

Some o f th e Younger Members

have just returned from a most

informative and enlightening tour of

the EC institutions where they saw

the machinery o f the EC in action.

The visit included a trip to Brussels

and th e European Commission,

where Mr . Ray McSharry pu t in a

brief appearance. Th e tour also

covered th e European Court an d

the Court o f Auditors, both o f

which are situated in Luxembourg

and then proceeded t o th e

European Parliament in Strasbourg.

Travel wa s by bu s an d proved

quite tiring. However, the time was

spent ingesting some o f the reams

(or Reims?) o f informative docu-

mentation obtained at each stop. All

rose to the rigorous demands of the

trip with great enthusiasm.


Section o n Business Law Scholarships

The Section on Business Law of the International Bar Association will hold

its biennial conference i n Strasburg, France, from 2-6 October 1989.

The Section o n Business Law has 8,700 members and consists o f 2 6

committees. Those committees will meet during th e Conference an d

discuss matters of substantive law (e.g. arbitration, business organisations,

sale o f goods, environmental law, labour law, aeronautical and maritime

law) and many other subjects.

The Section has established a fund from which scholarships may be given

to young lawyers who may wish to participate in this conference, but who

are prevented from doing so owing t o financial constraints. The Section

invites interested persons t o apply fo r the scholarships.

The candidates should be solicitors aged not more than 35 and employed

or engaged i n private practice.

Those wh o ar e interested ar e asked t o write t o th e International Ba r

Association, attention:

Rachel Youngman, 2 Harewood Place, Hanover

Square, London WIR 9HB, England before 20 April 1989.

After receipt

of your letter showing interest, a questionnaire will b e sent i n return.

Candidates, i f selected, may be asked to write a report on their experience

at the Conference.

And then there was . . .

And then there was the clerk typist's first Estate Administration. She

consistently referred t o the late Mrs. Bloggs a s "the diseased" an d

when reciting the Title of the only daughter of the "diseased" stated

on th e Oath "And I am th e lonely and awful daughter"!


in association

with the Society of Chartered


Sponsored b y Th e Phe l an Partnership, Commercial

Property Consultants

• Bowlin g Nigh t •

THURSDAY, 13th APRIL, 1989

(7.30 fo r 8 p.m.)

at Stillorgan Bowling Centre



For further details please contact:

Sandra Fisher,

Colin Sainsbury,

Pauline Daly,

The Law Society,

A . & L. Goodbody,

Jones Lange Wooton,

Tel. (01) 710711.

Tel.(01) 613311.

Tel. (01) 771501