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or visit scope of practice
Advanced scope of practice for speech pathologists represents
the full breadth, or depth of practice within a clinical practice area
or context. Advanced scope of practice requires a significant level
of experience, knowledge and technical skill within the defined
clinical area(s) and/or context(s). This may be demonstrated by
advanced depth or breadth of a clinical area and/or context.
Inherent, but maybe not explicit in this definition is a level of
clinical practice, experience and time associated between entry
level clinicians and those clinicians demonstrating advanced
scope of practice.
Extended scope of practice
Extended scope of practice describes undertaking clinical
activities not currently recognised as being performed by their
own discipline. This requires a clinician to undertake specific
additional training and be assessed as competent against a
recognised tool by an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
Extended scope of practice will additionally require formal
workplace credentialing for the clinician to perform the specified
extended task/s to ensure adequate legal requirements and
professional indemnity requirements are maintained.
Membership feedback on draft
The next phase is to seek and collate feedback from the
membership regarding the draft working definitions and what
areas of clinical practice may be considered as “advanced” and/
or “extended” based on the draft definitions. Detailed background
information on these draft definitions can be found via the survey
The draft definitions have been developed with acknowledgement
that areas defined as advanced and extended scope of practice
now may evolve to become part of entry-level competencies
and/or within the scope of practice for speech pathologists in
Your feedback is vital to ensure the developed definitions will be
applicable to your workplace.
Please think broadly across all areas of the speech pathology
profession and click on the survey link to participate – your
contribution is invaluable. steps:
Feedback will be collated and synthesised from:
the member survey;
State Branch meetings representatives;
identified content expert advisors; or,
any additional feedback received from members via
direct email.
The next project update is expected early in the new year, with a
final report provided to the Board in February 2018.
For further information about the project, or if you wish to provide
additional feedback please contact, Dr Robyn Saxon, Project
Officer Baldac
Senior Advisor Professional Standards