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Annual Report



GRID-Arendal's Global Programme supports UNEP's global

monitoring and assessment activities. CEROI (Cities Environ-

ment Reports on the Internet) has developed to include additional

cities, and the concept has been expanded and used for other ap-


Cities Environment Reports on the Internet (CEROI) Pro-

gramme extends its services

CEROI launched an on-line Gateway to urban environmental

information and resources to member cities

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The Gateway services were strengthened by the establishment of

discussion forums for the exchange of experiences, as well as the

continual addition of urban State of the Environment reports

from around the world.

Special emphases were given to the use of environmental indica-

tors and to the presentation of data. CEROI launched an Indi-

cators Encyclopaedia that provides resources and inspiration to

cities making use of indicators in environmental reporting. A

core set of indicators was also established, and an on-line data-

base was developed for facilitating data entry and presentation.

CEROI in Europe

CEROI agreed to co-operate with the European Environment

Agency (EEA) in adapting the CEROI Programme to European

reporting needs. A group of Western European cities have been

invited to produce urban environmental reports focusing on the

European Common Indicators, measuring progress towards sus-


CEROI extension

The CEROI concept of template-based reporting was further

developed during 2000. The concept was extended to apply to

areas other than urban reporting. A county template was devel-

oped for the Norwegian Pollution Control Authority (SFT). All

counties in Norway are now in the process of producing county

SoE reports based on this template.

GRID-Arendal and the Nordic World Heritage Office are de-

veloping a reporting system for the World Heritage Periodic Re-

porting. Special templates were made to assist the World Heri-

tage Centre in streamlined reporting.

Global support to UNEP

During 2000 support was given to China resulting in the launch

of an updated edition of SoE China. The establishment of a

National Centre for Environmental Information and Statistics

in South Africa was also facilitated. In addition, GRID-Arendal

supported the Global International Waters Assessment (GIWA)

with GIS work, web development, and reporting obligations.
