Police World
Vol 58 No.4 2013
his was our first trip with the IPA as my
husband Dave and I are new members.
It was also our first venture in to Europe
on a motorbike.
After months of anticipation, packing and then
repacking, downsizing the luggage, it was with a
mixture of excitement and nerves that we were
finally on our way. Due to the amazing
organisational skills of Dave Taylor it all ran like
clockwork. Twenty six bikes and one car set off
together for the Eurotunnel. Much to my
husband’s amusement I hung on for dear life.
Having watched the film Jaws, too many times, I
was slightly nervous of being in a tunnel under
the sea.
Warning! Pillions mind your head as you climb
back on the bike, the ceilings on the train are
low, which I discovered with a bump!
Out we rode and scattered like a star burst, all
heading our own way to Ghent, where we were
staying overnight. Dave, Jez Moore and I
detoured to Dunkirk to the Dynamo War
Museum, where between us we managed to buy
the entrance tickets and postcards. Thanks to
the lovely French gentleman who stayed open
after closing time so we could see everything.
We also saw the beach at Dunkirk, beautiful, but
thinking of what happened there was sobering.
Being pillion gave me the opportunity to take in
all the surrounding sights as we travelled
through France, Belgium, The Netherlands and
Germany. Sheep and goats kept in gardens in
towns, mannequins waving red flags at road
works, areas of no speed limits, people riding
mopeds on the path and all the beautiful
scenery surrounded us. Being on the back of the
bike on the other side of the road was nerve
racking to start with but with well signposted
roads everything was made easy for us Brits. You
couldn’t go the wrong way even if you tried - or
so I thought. We kept passing road signs at slip
roads for ‘Ausfahrt’. I thought wow, that must be
a large German town or city, as there were so
many ways to it from the autobahn? After
passing the same sign another 5 or 6 times it
suddenly dawned on me that it meant exit.
Proof, if needed, that I was a European biker
Another must do for Dave and I whilst in Europe
was to visit a concentration camp. We visited
Fort Breendonk in Belgium along with Jez.
Standing and walking where the detainees had
been, touching the walls, standing in the room
where they had been tortured, reading their
stories and seeing where they were executed
was emotional - what can I say?
We finally arrived at Gimborn, and stayed for two
nights. What a beautiful place and beautiful
area. Meal times were prompt or you risked the
wrath of the landlady of the pub. Whilst Dave
attended the AGM I set out for a walk with Hilary
Spencer, after which the two of us sat drinking
tea in the sunshine, overlooking the gardens, on
a little terrace. No riding the day of the AGM,
just time to relax and get the body used to being
upright and walking again.
The group also attended the Last Post
Ceremony at The Menin Gate in Ieper (Ypres).
The Ceremony has become part of the daily life
in Ieper and the local people are proud of this
simple but moving tribute to the courage and
self-sacrifice of those who fell in defence of their
town. At 8pm the bugles sounded and silence
was observed, followed by a very smart and
proud Mike Vince who laid a wreath on behalf of
the motorcycle group. An amazing end to a
wonderful trip, filled with so many memories and
I met two inspirational ladies during the trip. The
first was Hilary, who was new to being a pillion
but still came on the trip. Second was Liz Waters
- whilst talking to Liz about our visit to the
concentration camp she told me her Dad had
been detained at Dachau. Enough said.
After approximately 1201 miles ridden on the
bike, stiffening up and struggling to get off at
rest stops - would I do it again? In a heartbeat!
If anyone is thinking of joining the group, DO IT, it
has opened up a whole new world of
experiences for me and Dave.
Tracy Seavers
, Motorcycling Group
To see a selection of images
taken during the trip, visit:
Tracey and Dave Seavers
Erste Konferenz in
Deutschland statt
The Motorcycle Group held their 2013 AGM at Gimborn Castle, Germany - the first time the Group has held
such a meeting overseas. It was also the first time new member Tracey Seavers had travelled to Europe on
a bike. Tracy tells of her experience.
Mike Vince with the wreath
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