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Elect No Strangers!

Every year since 1990 David Bailey Associates has published Elect

No Strangers to help interested Virginians become acquainted

with candidates for the General Assembly. Twenty-eight years

ago (1989) in an attempt to write a haiku, I penned the words that

became the title for this directory of candidates.

Elect No Strangers!

If possible, elect friends.

If not, make friends of those elected.

David Bailey

This directory includes candidates listed in the order that they will

appear on the ballot for the statewide candidates and the House

of Delegates. However prior to 60 days before the November 7th

election, party nominees that withdraw may be replaced by new

candidates. Our staff sought to reach every candidate, and in most

instances this occurred. However when this was not possible, we chose

to include the information from the Virginia Department of Elections

and or the Virginia Public Access Project. We thank the Democratic

and Republican Caucus staff in the House for their assistance.

Note that asterisks(*) indicate incumbents.

Official information regarding the November election is

available from local registrars and from the State Department of

Elections web site,

Another excellent source for campaign information is the Virginia

Public Access Project,

As we often say, this directory includes all of the


– all

of those who will serve. This will be correct until there’s another

successful candidate who duplicates Jackie Stump’s 1989 winning

write-in campaign for the House of Delegates.

While David Bailey’s name is connected with this publication,

it would not be possible without the professional assistance of

Hayley Allison, DougWeimer, Kristen Bailey-Hardy & John Sours.

We thankWordsprint and all other advertisers who enabled us to

distribute complimentary copies.


1108 East Main St., Ste 1200

Richmond, VA 23219

804-643-5554 office

276-701-5216 cell