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Everything Horses and Livestock Magazine

The physical part of the mounted shooting pattern

comes down to choosing the most efficient line for

you and your horse to run – smooth is fast. Think

of it like driving a car. A driver does not jerk the

wheel or look down while making a turn; a driver will

first look ahead and then gently guide the wheel to

make a smooth turn.

Remember, always practice good course manage-

ment skills. Consistency builds muscle memory.

Next time, we will take a look at the mental man-

agement of Cowboy Mounted Shooting.

We will see you back here in the

November Issue!


Shannon Rowl

Kansas CMSA

Continued from Page 21


August 2016

| ©

Everything Horses and Livestock


Building a Strong Relationship with

Christ – The Thyatira Example: Re-

maining In Him – Revelation 2:18-29

As we continue our survey of the letters

to the seven churches of Asia Minor let’s

read the letter to the church at Thyatira:

To the angel of the church in Thyatira

write the following:

This is the solemn pronouncement of

the Son of God, the one who has eyes

like a fiery flame and whose feet are like

polished bronze: ‘I know your deeds:

your love, faith, service, and steadfast

endurance. In fact, your more recent

deeds are greater than your earlier

ones. But I have this against you: You

tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls

herself a prophetess, and by her teach-

ing deceives my servants to commit sex-

ual immorality and to eat food sacrificed

to idols. I have given her time to repent,

but she is not willing to repent of her

sexual immorality. Look! I am throwing

her onto a bed of violent illness, and

those who commit adultery with her into

terrible suffering, unless they repent of

her deeds. Furthermore, I will strike

her followers with a deadly disease,

and then all the churches will know that

I am the one who searches minds and

hearts. I will repay each one of you what

your deeds deserve. But to the rest

of you in Thyatira, all who do not hold

to this teaching (who have not learned

the so-called “deep secrets of Satan”),

to you I say: I do not put any additional

burden on you. However, hold on to

what you have until I come. And to the

one who conquers and who continues

in my deeds until the end, I will give him

authority over the nations - he will rule

them with an iron rod and like clay jars

he will break them to pieces, just as I

have received the right to rule from my

Father - and I will give him the morning

star. The one who has an ear had better

hear what the Spirit says to the church-

es’” (Revelation 2:18-29 – NET).

Thyatira was a small city located forty

miles southeast of Pergamum known for

abundant crops and the manufacture of

purple dye. The church itself was much

smaller than the previously addressed

churches in Revelation chapter two but

the Lord’s direct rebuke was meant to

deal with a sin problem that had become


As Christ is introduced in this letter we

can see a preview of the severity of this

letter as it is described as “solemn” and

Christ himself is described as “one who

has eyes like a fiery flame.” It’s clear

starting out that this is going to deal with

major problems that the Lord saw in the

fellowship at Thyatira.

As with the previous letters Christ first

commends the church on their faithful

action and growth. He says, “I know

your deeds: your love, faith, service

and steadfast endurance.” This bit of

encouragement shows that the active

members of the church were excelling

in the major areas of devotion to Christ

and to each other and to their service.

In fact, Jesus encourages them because

they had continued to grow more faithful

in their deeds as they went on serving.

This is the exact opposite of the Ephe-

sians who did great things in the past

but that enthusiasm waned as time went

on. This leads us to a simple lesson

from the faithful Thyatirans…